

God Gives No Special Sin Allowances

I speak unto you this day and I say that the price for true discipleship remains the same. It has not been changed or amended because of the times. Those who will truly follow Me will walk in the steps…

God Declares World War III (Part 6)

I speak unto thee this day and I say that it is Me, the living God, who has endured with humankind, it is Me, the living God, who has shown compassion upon humankind, and it is Me, the living God,…

God Declares World War III (Part 5)

I speak unto thee and I say that it is Me, the living God, who has spoken it, it is Me, the living God, who has declared it, and it is Me, the living God, who means that it is…

God Declares World War III (Part 4)

I speak unto thee this day and I say, in all that you see in these times it is evident that men are at war with Me, that is, it is evident that they have hatred, rebellion, contempt towards Me…

God Declares World War III (Part 3)

I speak unto thee and I say that I’ve spoken it, I’ve declared it, and I say that I’ve established it, that it is Me, the living God, who is bringing war, that is, it is Me, the living God,…

God Declares World War III (Part 2)

I speak unto thee this day and I say, align yourself with Me. I say, align yourself with Me, for I say it is in Me that the safety is found, it is in Me that the strength is provided,…