

Many Magnificent Miracles

I speak to you this day and I say that it is Me the Living God who is the God of all gods. Inasmuch as I am the self-existent, I am well able to do miracles for those who are…

Violators of Their Vows

I would ask this day: Why do My people stray from Me, then go a whoring after the vanities of the world and all that is therein? Over and over, My people have departed and do depart from Me, and…

Youth Herded into the Slaughterhouses of Sin

It is to Me that men, women and children are to pay oblation. However, they have forsaken Me, the Living God, and gone after idols. In so doing, they have greatly offended Me by their stupidity and foolishness. You are…

Devil’s Death Row

I speak unto you this day and I say: Rejoice for the gift of life that you have been given. Not only are you alive in the flesh, but you are alive in the Spirit, for you have been born…

Complainers Burned by God’s Fire

I speak unto you this day, reminding you that in obedience is found abundance of life. It is Me the Living God who delights to give My life unto you over and over as you obey My Holy Spirit commands…

Watchmen Called to Warn

There is a great need in this time for those who will be My watchmen, that is, willing to declare to the wicked their need to repent and turn from the wickedness they are participating in. Likewise, if the righteous…