

Fervent Heat, Foretaste of Hell

I speak to you this day to notify you that it is Me the Living God who will soon burn with fervent heat, as I am sending forth intense heat upon the earth. Because of their continual sinning and hatred…

Pattern Son

I speak to you this day and I tell you: Build upon My Word, so that what you build is in Me. There are many who build on the world’s foundation, and the same is shifting sand. They do not…

Do Not Give Place to Disgrace

I speak to those who have an ear to hear and will listen and obey. There are many who have ears, yet they do not hear. They likewise have eyes, but they do not see. This is, they are deaf…

Faith Expansion = Faith Giants

I speak to you this day and I adjure you to keep on believing Me to the extent that you allow Me to give you challenges of your faith. What that means is that if I put a challenge of…

Enemies Seek Infiltration

I speak unto you this day and I say that it is Me the Living God who will give to you the abundance of life. As you stay steady in your trust, your confidence, and your hope, you will be…

Many Magnificent Miracles

I speak to you this day and I say that it is Me the Living God who is the God of all gods. Inasmuch as I am the self-existent, I am well able to do miracles for those who are…

Violators of Their Vows

I would ask this day: Why do My people stray from Me, then go a whoring after the vanities of the world and all that is therein? Over and over, My people have departed and do depart from Me, and…

Youth Herded into the Slaughterhouses of Sin

It is to Me that men, women and children are to pay oblation. However, they have forsaken Me, the Living God, and gone after idols. In so doing, they have greatly offended Me by their stupidity and foolishness. You are…