I speak to you this day, My people: Know that I am your fortress. I will show you over and over that it is Me who protects you. Therefore, do not take on the spirits of fear that are sweeping throughout the land and bringing many into captivity and bondage.
When the multitudes are captivated by fear, they are in severe bondage. The same drives them to all manner of sinful behaviors, as well as putting them in jeopardy to every demon force that gives them suggestion of what will happen next.
The reality is that what will happen next is not theirs to know, and when they are full of fear, they easily give way to despair and depression. I do not intend for you to be living in those realms, inasmuch as I am your fortress, and you can live in Me and be kept.
So many want only to have the good life, but in their fearfulness they have forgotten what the good life really is. This is because they do not have the firm foundation that I provide. So, when the winds of adversity howl incessantly, they are left empty and desperately anxious. Know that I am your shelter from the storms that are raging. When you run into Me, you are kept by Me from those things that will take many down.
There are plenty who make flesh their arm, and in so choosing, they are estranged from Me. Full of sorrow and sadness, their hearts are heavy, and they are weighed because they trusted in the arm of flesh rather than Me.
Do not look to carnal strength to be your hope, for neither your own strength, nor the strength of other carnal beings will stand in the day of troubles. It is foolishness to trust in mere humans who will fail you. It is wisdom to trust in Me, for I am the One True God who remains through all generations.
Be glad even this day that through Me you are shown how much mercy I give to you. Know that by those mercies you are being kept when endless souls are being sorely vexed, tormented, and in anguish. Be thankful recipients of My mercies as you receive them day by day. When you are indeed partaking of the mercies that I provide, you will know and understand that I can and do make the way when it appears there is no way.
Consider the many miracles which are recorded that I have done for My people because there was no way that they could be helped through the arm of flesh. When they cried out to Me, then they received exactly what they had need of, by My miracle power. Then they recognized that it was not through any other power that they were given such miracle deliverance and victories in battles where their enemies outnumbered them.
So many times, people fail to cry out to Me. Therefore, they do not receive the miracles that I have in store for them. Because they are failing to call upon Me, they are defeated and discouraged in their circumstances and situations.
The age of miracles does not exist as men have imagined it to be. The ones who are declaring that the age of miracles has passed away with the former covenant are wrong. Because of their own unbelief, they will proclaim that miracles were only for the Old Testament believers. Such ones as these are promoting doubt and unbelief. They are being governed by their own proud misinterpretations of who and what I am.
As long as I AM, miracles are present, and since I do not die as men die, those miracles have not passed away. Do not allow pride to hinder you from crying out to Me in hope when the situation seems utterly hopeless. Remember that there is nothing impossible with Me. I will prove over and over that I can and do bring forth, in accordance with My own abilities, which are far above mankind.
Do not be accepting the knowledge that proud people proclaim they have of My workings. Rather, trust and hope in Me, as I am the One who is invincible and available to you day by day. The way My people are led by My Holy Spirit is the way wherein they will be increased in their faith and confidence in Me.
I do not intend for My people to be taken down the road of futility and despair because they stop looking to Me as their hope. Realize that often you are led in a way that appears to be desperate so that you will cry out to Me and see My miracles shown forth. Thank Me that you do not have to be looking to the arm of flesh and being disappointed.
Think of the miracle of the Red Sea and how that, when My people were desperately needy, I provided for them the dry land, and they crossed over the sea on that land. When the Egyptian army tried to follow them, they were drowned by the waters of the Red Sea. Such a miracle could only have come of Me.
Be knowing of a surety that I am the same God and that I have not abandoned the ones who look to Me as their source. It is Me who cares for the ones who are looking to Me, and it is Me who shows them that I am indeed well able. When you partake of My mercies, you are not made ashamed, for in My mercies are the miracles no human can do. Therefore, do not fear the wicked who are strutting in proud array.
The Egyptian army was quite proud in their full array of conquering power. However, they drowned in the Red Sea by the stroke of My hand. Realize that no power of the world is stronger than I am. It is Me who is your fortress, it is Me who is your deliverer, and it is Me who saves you from the forces of darkness that want you dead. Be evermore thankful to Me because I am the Living God, and all other gods cannot in any way assist you.