

The Way of Jesus

I speak unto you this day and I say: Let love reign, which means that you accept My way among yourselves. It is not My intention that My people would backbite and devour one another. It is My intention that…

Fear Is Beastly and Devouring

I speak to you this day and I say: Let your minds as well as your hearts be stayed upon Me, for I alone am your Rock of refuge, and when you stay steadfast in Me, so are you kept…

Destined to Be Damned

I speak unto you this day and I declare that I am angry with the wicked every day. While they pursue their deeds of wickedness, they are a vexation to Me. I do not find pleasure in the wicked, nor…

Medical Murderers Condemned by God

I speak unto you this day and I would ask you: Do you know the goodness that I have prepared for the obedient? It is intended by Me that My people would walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit commands,…

Storms Coming to Willfully Sinful

I speak to you this day as My people, and I would declare to you that you are intended to stay true. I’ve never intended that My people would play their games and go after the vanities of the world.…

Fake Gods Bring Hopeless Wanderings

I speak to you this day and I declare it again that it is Me the Living God who is ever present with those who are faithful. Therefore, know that vengeance belongs to Me, and I redeem the ones who…

Uncontrolled Temper Erupts in Violence

I speak to you this day and I say: Do not give yourselves over to outbursts of temper, for the same will cause you problems. In these times, many have abandoned themselves to explosive anger and ventilation through violence. While…

World’s Counselors Bring Confusion

I speak to you this day and I advise you: Have not many masters. Those who are seeking counsel of the world’s counselors are seeking for confusion. I do not intend that My people would live in confusion. I intend…