Living It Up: Coverup for Fear

I speak unto you this day, all of you who have an ear to hear. Know there are innumerable plagues being unleashed upon the world at this time. While proud men and women will think that they have stopped or cured the problem, the same will be intensified. This will confound them in their conceit, and they will go on determined that they are the redeemers.

However, the fact is there is no way that people can redeem themselves when My wrath is being revealed. It is Me the Living God who is sorely displeased with the wanton, wicked, perverse and vile behaviors of multitudes in these times. While people are “living it up” as though there is no tomorrow, they are inwardly motivated by fear. Because of the fears that are clutching them, they are dreading to face each day.

This comes upon the ones who refuse to respect and reverence Me, as they are ravaged by the fears that are stalking, seeking to devour and destroy. When you see how many are despising Me and My righteousness, know that they are fools who have chosen the course of misery. Behaving as they do, they are clowns in the charades of “living it up.” All that they are doing is trying to cover up their misery as they put on their false faces.

I do not call you to keep company with such, for they are rebels and desire what they think is their own way. However, the way that they have chosen is the way that the demons motivating them have shoved them into. The reality is that people will serve Me or they will serve a multitude of many masters who cause them vexation and torment.

You are not called to live in torment; you are called to live in the peace that I provide. Therefore, be thankful that you can be brought forth in My peace, for I will give you the same. When you are looking unto Me as your source, you are enabled to partake of the peace that I will give to you, for it is omnipresent. Follow the directives given to you through My Holy Spirit, and you will be kept.

Be thankful that you are not under the control of the mediums of fear who are ravaging people on every hand. These mediums are full of their own pride and power, esteeming themselves to be something that they are not. All the while, they are displaying how much control they think they have, and I can easily bring them down and show them to be nothing.

When men and women are not respecting Me, they are nothing more than grass that has its season, then dries up and is blown away by the wind. You are not meant to be blown away by the wind; you are meant to remain abiding in Me, for I am the One who does care for you. Thank Me this day that you can be brought forth in the way that I intend, and in the same given mercy day by day.

Those who put their trust in Me do not need to take on the coverings of fear and dread. Rather, they can live in joy and thanksgiving. Know of a surety that you are intended to be blessed by Me, for I do not withhold any good thing from the ones who walk uprightly in Me. It is My pleasure to show My goodness to those who are faithful and true to Me.

Even now, when people will adhere to Me as the One they are meant to please, they will not lack for any good thing. It has been My desire from the beginning that men, women and children would live in harmony with Me and know My goodness upon their lives. However, when they are choosing the wickedness of the world, they are choosing their own vexation and torment.

While this is the time of My wrath being revealed, it is also the time of My blessings to the ones who have proven themselves to be true to Me. People receive either the blessing or the curse, depending on what they choose. Therefore, continue to choose Me, not giving way to the pressures that are on every hand.

As you are continually abiding in Me, you are of course partaking of the peace of who I am. Be glad even now that you do not need to be found in the pathway of My wrath. You can be walking each day in the pathway of My peace, and evermore glad for the same.

Do not walk afar off from Me, nor go in any other way. Keep on trusting in Me each day, for I am your God. Give the praise unto Me and not to carnal men and women. Keep your vision single unto Me, for I am your resource at all times. Know of a certainty that through Me you are being guided in the life eternal and everlasting.

While the multitudes end in the ditch of despair and disappointment in this life, then go to hell in their bitterness, know that is not your cup. As you continue to keep stayed upon Me, you are intended to partake of the many blessings that I will give to you each day. Be glad even now that you are not under the curses so evident in these times. You are living in the abundance of blessings that I provide.

This day, do not let any fear fester in your hearts, and by the same be in torments. Rather, let rejoicing be within you as you are believing in Me as the source of safety and security. Consider that you have a future abode in Me that is everlasting and filled with the joy that only I can bring. Therefore, do not be downtrodden by circumstances. Rather, trod upon the demon powers and take dominion over all such powers, for you have the ability to do so.

Be giving Me praise out of your hearts and with your mouths, for I am the One who desires you to be kept and guided forth each day and always.