

Jesus Calls to All

I speak unto you this day and I say: Be thankful for My love, for the same is beyond the scope of human love. It is Me the Living God who offers mercy to those who will come into the…

Hard-Hearted Fools Bring Injustice

I speak to you this day and I say: Be aware of the injustices that are done every day by those whose hearts are full of hardness. Such ones as these have become a law unto themselves and are full…

Sanity and Sanity Greatly Deteriorated

I speak unto you this day and I say: It is Me the Living God who has dominion over the nations. While men and women imagine themselves to be in power, they are not. This is because their hearts have…

Do Not Be Defenders of the Damned

I look upon humanity and I truly desire them to live in Me and to keep the standard of righteousness that I have given for My people. It has always been My desire that people would abandon their false gods,…

The Army of Insane

I speak unto you this day and I say: In every circumstance and situation, it is Me the Living God who is observing the same. When you truly consider how infinite My sight is, do not ever think that people…

Lying Leaders Boast in Themselves

I speak unto you this day, My people, and I say: Keep on trusting in Me, for I alone am your Maker and your God. When you are staying steady in your confidence in Me, then you will not be…

Damned by Orders from Headquarters

I speak unto you this day and I encourage you to keep steady in your relationship with Me. It is Me the Living God you are intended to serve, and it is Me the Living God who rewards you for…

Wisdom of the World Is Foolishness

I speak to all who have an ear to hear this day, and I say: Cleave unto Me, for I am your Maker. Those of you who know Me, testify to those who don’t know My Son Jesus as their…

Rise of Insanity

I speak unto you this day and I say: Serve not many masters, for when you do, you are a grief to Me. As My people, I desire you to be faithful and true to Me as the One who…