I speak to all of you who will listen and obey, and I command you to be encouraged in Me. That is, do not let the waves of depression and despair come over you that want to take you down. Instead, remind yourselves of the many good things I have done for you and am still doing for you.
It is very important to keep your focus upon Me, for I alone am your God and your Master. When you are looking to please Me, then you are not going to be troubled and vexed as are those who are pleasing themselves. Therefore, be thankful that you can indeed keep your vision upon Me as your refuge, replenisher and restorer.
As you can well see, the times you are living in are full of corruption and wickedness on every turn. Yet you do not need to live under the shadow of Egypt and partake of their despair, because it is Me the Living God who has given to you the Holy Spirit, who will lead and guide you forth in the way that I intend for you.
Those who are following after falsehoods, delusions and lies will find themselves disappointed and despairing continually. This is because they are listening to lying messengers, and they actually love to do so. They are literally looking for an escape mechanism whereby they do not face the reality of their accountability and responsibility to Me. They are preferring to fill up on the lies of liars and live in temporary delusion by the same.
Just as people by the multitudes have turned to drugs and alcohol to give them temporary escape from the reality of their lives, so do multitudes turn to delusion to escape their realities. I do not call you to escapism; I call you to partake of the power of My presence and be strengthened to endure and continue steadfast. It is indeed a privilege to partake of Me as the One who gives to you all that you need.
There are many upheavals transpiring in these times. There are upheavals among families, cities, states and nations. Likewise, there are upheavals in the fluctuating and crumbling economies of many nations. Then there are the upheavals that are taking place in the lands, the oceans and seas. No one is truly able to predict their tomorrows, and those who try are disappointed. I do not call you to be in continual upheaval; rather, I call you to be in the continual peace that I alone am able to provide.
Do not be weary in trusting in Me and give yourselves over to the input of demonic spirits that want you to be in unrest and upheaval because of what is transpiring in the world at this time. You are not intended to live in the drama and trauma of the multitudes who are taken up and down, round and round by the forces of darkness.
Reality is that the nations are unstable, the economies are unstable, the earth is unstable, and the oceans and the seas are in upheaval and unrest. Many people are without hope for a better day, a better way. All that they can see is the pain of their existence, and in the same they are defeated. You are not intended to be among the defeated, for I intend for you to be living in faith, hope and trust in Me, for I am the One who gives to you eternal life.
Please understand that there are many who are partaking of sorrows and live in daily sadness. This is because they do not look to Me as the One who is willing and able to lift them up and out of the pit they are in. They do not concern themselves with those things that are pure and lovely before Me. Rather, they drink of the wine of worldliness, and hence live in the drunken stupor of overindulgence in self-pity.
Do not allow yourselves to be dragged into the pit of self-pity, as the same is perpetual if you give way to it. There are multitudes who are so filled with self-pity. They can think of nothing else and are centered on the death of the same. I do not intend you to be drunk on your own sorrows and live in constant sadness. Rather, you are intended to live in the joy and gladness that comes from Me.
When you truly focus upon Me, you will find that My Spirit is ever present to direct you and guide you forth in the way that is purposed for you. Do not give way to the tempters who want to pull you out into the broad way that will take you to destruction and damnation. You have the power through Me to resist, refuse and refute the invitations to sin and death that are ever present.
Know that you are called to prevail over circumstances and situations, in the sense that you do not let such rob you of the joy that is found in Me. My Spirit is ever present with you and guides you in the way that I give. Do not ignore My Spirit, only to listen to the demon spirits that want you to deviate and go in the way of death rather than the way of life in Me.
The forces of death want to suffocate you with sadness and sorrow so that you can no longer partake of the very breath of life that I give. Do not be succumbing to those seducing spirits that are lurking, waiting to find you in a weak moment and overwhelm you.
Be in vigilance against the destroyer and his forces, for they want to take multitudes down to destruction and death, then let them face the terrors of hell. Know that there is no good thing that they can do for you, for these spirits are evil and want only to destroy. Thank Me that you are led by My Spirit into the realms of life and the glories of My kingdom even now.