

Millions Perishing in Pride Prison

I speak unto you this day, My people, and I remind you of the leaven that leavens the whole lump. I say, beware of the leaven of pride, for the same has caused the death of multitudes. When My Son…

Corrected and Kept

I speak to you this day, My people, and I say: Know of a surety that I am the God who is ever present. My people are not left alone, for I have given to them the Holy Spirit to…

Fast Train to Hell and Damnation

I speak unto you this day and I declare that in obedience there is victory for My people. When My people are obediently serving Me, then no weapon that is formed against them shall prosper. However, when they turn aside…

God Keeps You Safe from the Death Gang

I speak unto you this day and I say: I am not mocked; I know the thoughts and the deeds of all, and I give to men, women and children according to their doings. Therefore, those who imagine that they…

Beware the Mainstream Media Mind

I speak unto you this day and I say that it is Me you are meant to be involved with, and not the crafty inventions of men. Inasmuch as you are living in a time of great technological advancements, multitudes…

Sin Slaves Set Free

I speak to you this day and I command you: Do not let sin reign in your mortal bodies. It is Me the Living God who expects you to walk uprightly in Me and to keep yourselves from the filthiness…

Do Not Placate Fear

I speak to you this day and I say: Do not be anxious, neither be afraid. I do not call you to be found in fear. Rather, you are called to faith in Me. Realize that I the Living God…

The Dumb or the Wise

I speak to you this day and I declare to you that the scoffers and mockers resist instruction and will not receive godly wisdom. This is because they are blinded by pride, as they are full of self-assurance, convinced that…