I speak unto thee this day and I say that it is Me, the living God, who has endured with humankind, it is Me, the living God, who has shown compassion upon humankind, and it is Me, the living God, who will reveal My wrath through My war declared upon humankind.
And I say it is because I have called and called and called for them to repent. The majority have refused to hear, to obey. They have gone on in their own stubborn, proud ways. And I say they have gone on in multiplied transgressions, exhibiting the same and even flaunting the same before Me. And I say they have increased in wickedness, they have increased in corruption, and I say they have definitely kindled My wrath.
And I say it is Me, the living God, who has made the declaration of war revealed upon them, the punishment of the same. And I say that they will be liable for the wrath, the fury, the indignation that shall come upon them through the great war, the holy war that I bring forth.
Now I say this day, when I, the living God, do give the call to war, I say there is no man that can stop the call. And I say, when I, the living God, do unleash the forces that only I control, I say there is no army that can stand against them. For I say it is Me, the living God, who reign supreme, it is Me, the living God, who rules over all nations. And I say, when nations rise up in pride and contempt towards Me because they have forgotten Me, because they are full of their own greatness or so they imagine, it is Me, the living God, who shall show them to be mere men.
I say you are not meant to live in the fear, the dread of nations, for I say that I, the living God, do supersede the power of all nations. And I say it is Me, the living God, who will pour forth My anger, My holy anger, through the measure of war upon the nations. And I say that men shall run for cover, but there will be nothing to cover them. And I say that men shall moan in the agony, the desperation of fear, but I say there will be no life given unto them. For I say it is Me, the living God, who is bringing upon men their just rewards, exactly what they deserve. And I say it is Me, the living God, who will cause war to become their daily fare. They will find no escape from the same.
Now I say this day, when I, the living God, do rise up in war against the nations, against the inhabitants of the earth, I say there is none that will have weapons sufficient to stop Me. And I say it is Me, the living God, who will indeed use every measure that I deem necessary to humble men down. And I say, in the process there will be many who are utterly destroyed. And I say, in the process there will be nations that are no more. And I say it is Me, the living God, who will ventilate upon them exactly what it is that they deserve for their behaviors before Me. For I say they have abandoned themselves to all manner of perversion and filthiness, they have abandoned themselves to violence, to murder, to bloodshed on every hand.
Now I say the blood that they have thirsted for shall be returned upon them, in the sense that they too shall die. For I say, while men have wanted war, desired war, have thrown themselves into war, not even needing a cause for war, I say that war shall be their constant fare. And I say that they will not be able to escape the terrors of war.
Now I say this day that I, the living God, do intend that men would hear My call to repentance, would humble themselves and obey. But I say, because men have grown deaf and dull, dumb by their idolatry, I say that they will not even pay heed to Me. And I say there are those who openly defy Me in their hatred, their rebellion, and their contempt towards Me. They think they will go on forever, but it is not true. For I say it is Me, the living God, who is bringing to naught the wicked, who is bringing to naught the unjust, who is bringing to naught the defiled who think they are as kings in this earth.
And I say it is Me, the living God, who will reveal once again to the sons of men that I am the Almighty. And I say that men will think they can run from Me, they can run from My rule, My terrorization released upon the earth. It is not true, for I say, it is Me, the living God, who is Master and Lord, and I say that I reign supreme.
Now I say this day that I, the living God, do not call My people to live in the fear, the dread that shall beset the heathen, the ungodly, the perverse, the wicked, the vile. But I say that I call My people to know what it is to be at peace with Me, that is, by continuing in repentance revolution each day, by humbling themselves and bending the knee unto Me. For I say, it is Me that My people are meant to be serving and walking in obedience unto.
Now I say this day, when you look upon what it is that I offer, what it is that I provide, I say, be thankful each day to be serving Me, that is, to be coming forth in the truth, the light, the mercy, the peace that I provide. For I say, if you will indeed keep your focus, your vision upon Me, then I say you are guided forth each day by Me. And yes, you are given the truth, the light, the mercy, the blessedness of who I am.
Now I say this day, count it a privilege to continue to believe, to trust and obey Me each day. And I say, count it a privilege to be guided forth in that which I give you, which is My light upon the path. For I say it is Me, the living God, who is the way of righteousness revealed, it is Me, the living God, who is the truth, the light, the mercy provided. And I say, when a people will keep trusting, believing and looking to Me, then of course they are guided in My way. But I say, when men think they can live without Me, live in contempt and hatred for Me, I say they are liable to be found in My holy war.
I say this day, be thankful that it is Me, the living God, who is indeed well able to set men in their proper place, that is, for all of their pride, for all of their wise conceit, for all of their contempt towards Me, I say that I can easily bring them down. And I say that I can totally devastate and bring to ruination the ones who imagine they are so great, so grand, so glorious that they remain forever.
For I say, if you truly knew the number of nations that I brought to naught, you would be astounded at the same. And I say, if you knew the carnage amongst proud men that I, the living God, have turned over to the hell they justly deserve, I say you will likewise be shocked at how many there are. For I say it is Me, the living God, who is just in My vindication, it is Me, the living God, who is righteousness revealed. And I say, if I do not restore righteousness once again to the earth, all men will perish in the same, that is, in the iniquity, the darkness, the wickedness of their own way.
Now I say this day you are living in times when men are preferring the rule of demons over My rule. And I say it is because they are full of sin and darkness, they are full of iniquity and wretchedness, and yes, they are loving it so. For they think in their sinful state they get by forever, but it is not true. For I say it is Me, the living God, who will bring them to naught because of their transgressions against Me.
Now I say this day that I, the living God, do not call you to transgression, to violation, but I say that I call you to walk uprightly in Me. And I say that I call you to be thankful each day that you can indeed walk humbly before Me, that is, ever guided, directed and corrected in the truth, the light, the mercy that I provide, and given what it is that I, the living God, do bring, the way of My righteousness revealed.
Now I say this day, be thankful to continue to love, to serve, to obey Me, and to be brought forth by Me. And I say, be thankful that I, the living God, am the one who will ever guide you forth as you will believe upon Me. For I say, when you keep your focus, your vision upon Me, when you walk uprightly in Me, then I say you are guided each day by Me. And yes, you are given the light upon the path, the truth, the strength and the mercy of who I am. For I say it is a good thing to keep on trusting, believing and looking to Me as the one true God who is able. And I say it is a good thing to be brought forth in that which I give, time and again. For I say that I do not call My people to be found under the curse, the wretchedness, the misery of war. But I say that I call My people to be kept in the peace that I provide.
Now I say this day, when you look upon what it is that I, the living God, do bring to the sons of men, I say, do not align yourselves with them. For I say they are worthy of receiving all that I give unto them, because of their rebellion and refusal of Me. And I say, because they were wise in their own conceit, so proud, so vainly puffed up and sure they remain forever, I say they have openly defied Me. And I say they have refused My mercy calling, they have refused to bend the knee, and I say they think they are justified in the same. But I say it is Me, the living God, who is bringing My war upon them.
Do not identify with them and pity them. For I say, when I, the living God, do set aright again the sons of men by humbling them, by bringing some of them even to death and damnation, know that it is My righteousness revealed. And I say, do not be as the foolish who have false compassion upon the wicked and claim that I am unjust. But I say, know of a surety that when My war is revealed upon the sons of men, and all of the measures that I bring forth, that men will walk in the fear of Me once again. And I say that men will tremble at the thought of offending Me, because they will see that I am the I AM.
I say this day, be thankful that you can indeed be bending the knee each day to Me, that you are not caught under the throes, the terrorization, the war that shall be revealed upon the sons of men. For I say, while they think they can escape Me, there is no escape from My wrath revealed. And I say there is no way that men can stop the very force of war that shall be multiplied. For I say that men are not able to withstand Me, and when they think that they can and they do, they are proven to be utter fools. And I say they are brought down to devastation, heaps of ruination, and I say they are utterly devastated by My wrath revealed.
I say this day, in a time of My punishments brought forth, My punishments revealed, I say, stay strictly aligned with Me, that is, do not be so stupid as to imagine evil against Me, let you become a part of the evil upon this earth. For I say, when men are living in evil imaginations, false accusations against Me, I say they are My enemies and not My friends. And I say it is because they have chosen to oppose the way of My life.
Now I say this day, be thankful for the privilege to keep on trusting, to keep on believing, to keep on serving Me. And I say, be thankful that you do not need to make a show of your service unto Me, but to simply humble yourselves unto Me and to be brought forth in that which I give, directed and guided each day, to be brought forth in the truth, the light, the mercy revealed by Me.
And I say this day, when I reveal My mercy to those who will be in repentance revolution, I say that I will likewise reveal My wrath, My terrorization, My anger upon the wretched who will be found under war. And I say it is because they have stubbornly, proudly refused Me, resisted Me, going on in their own headstrong ways. And I say that the terrors of war will be known day and night upon this earth, and I, the living God, will cover the lands in My fury.
And I say that the nations who have had contempt for Me, thinking they had outgrown Me, and grown so superior, will prove to be nothing but fools. And I say it is Me, the living God, who will cause them to be ravished, who will cause them to be desolated, who will cause them to be destroyed. For I say that I, the living God, will not plead with men forever, and I say, when men in their stubbornness and pride and defiance of Me think they go on, oh yes, they will go on to their own destruction.
And I say it is Me, the living God, who will reveal once again that I reign supreme. For I say for too long men have done their thing with war, they have played their games with war, they have brought about violence and murder on every hand, but I say they shall see the full-scale display of war. And I say they shall be thoroughly sickened, disgusted, and put out by war. But I say, no matter how they feel, they will not be able to stop My wrath revealed.
I say this day, be thankful that I, the living God, will give mercy to the ones who are truly repentant, to the ones who run in to Me. But I say that the ones who defy Me and rebel against Me and think they can run from My rage, they will not be able to find a place to hide. For I say, when My war is brought forth, it shall be in every measure against the sons of men. And I say that My weaponry supersedes the imagination of men.
I say, thank Me and praise Me for who I am; thank Me and praise Me that I am thy God, thy maker, thy keeper in the time of war.