God Declares World War III (Part 5)

Audio version with soundtrack

I speak unto thee and I say that it is Me, the living God, who has spoken it, it is Me, the living God, who has declared it, and it is Me, the living God, who means that it is the time of My war, that is, it is the time that I will release the terrors of war upon the humankind till they cry out in agony, till they scream in the wretchedness, the misery of the same.

But I say it is Me, the living God, who will turn a deaf ear unto them, because they have been deaf towards Me. And I say that the terrorization that I bring to the earth will mock, will put to shame the greatest terror efforts of men. For I say that men in their pride, in their contempt, in their bloodthirst, in their violence have sought to terrorize multitudes through their terrorization tactics.

But I say, when I, the living God, do release My terrors of war upon the earth, I say there is none that shall ever escape the same. And I say that men will live in dread in the day and fear in the night, in terror all of the time. And I say it is because it is Me, the living God, who will bring the terrorization, the war upon them.

Now I say this day, if men would have paid heed to Me, would have hearkened to Me, would have obeyed Me, then I say that I, the living God, would not have counseled against them and would have turned away. But I say, because men declared war on Me and sought to terrorize Me with their tactics of hatred, with their tactics of unbelief and misconduct, because they have done these evils and continued in the same, I say it is Me, the living God, who shall bring them low. And it is Me, the living God, who shall reveal to them how utterly hopeless and helpless they are.

Now I say this day, in a wicked, a perverse, a vile and evil generation, let it be Me that you look to day by day. And let it be Me who will prove to be the author, the finisher, the beginning and the end. Let it be Me who guides you forth in the newness of life, who gives you the strength, the truth and the mercy day by day. For I say it is Me, the living God, who is able to guide My own.

And I say that the ones who will believe upon Me and be in repentance revolution before Me, I say they will dwell in the safety that I provide. But I say that the ones who will be found under the terrorization of war, they will have no place to hide. For I say it is Me, the living God, who will bring them war and more war and more war in every degree, until they scream and moan and desire even to die if they possibly can. For I say their misery will be great, unbearable, they will seek to hide themselves, but I say there will be no place to hide, for I say it is Me, the living God, who is thoroughly disgusted with humankind. I am disgusted with the majority of those who claim they are Mine.

And yes, men may smack their lips, they may wag the tongue, they may shake the finger and think they can do away with My declaration (of war), but it is not true. For I say it is Me, the living God, who will bring an end, an utter end to the wise, the foolish, the conceited who have strutted in their own way. And I say that I will indeed bring them to naught for what it is that they have done against Me.

Now I say this day that I, the living God, do know exactly how to terrorize men, to terrorize all who dwell upon the earth. For I say, when men have lived in proud conceit, when they lived in contempt and disrespect before Me, when they treated Me as though I am naught, I say they have only proven to be worthy of My wrath. And I say it is Me, the living God, who will bring upon them the very violence they have done against the truth. And it is Me, the living God, who will cause them to be hated, for they have hated Me.

Now I say this day that I, the living God, intended for men to serve Me, to obey Me, and walk uprightly in Me each day. And I say that I have intended that men would be subject to My truth, My life, My mercy, and be found abiding in the same. But I say, because men have chosen the way of whoredom and wine, they have chosen the way of fornication with the world and all of the idols of the same, I say they are full of rottenness and decay. And I say they are full of the filthiness of their habits, the filthiness of their deeds, and they love it so.

Now I say this day, when men depart from the way of My righteousness to take up the way of filthiness, I say they become My enemies and not My friends. And I say, when men will curse Me and blaspheme My name, when men will live in wretchedness because of their sin, they are the ones to blame. And I say it is Me, the living God, who has in My compassion and mercy sent forth the call, the cry for them to repent, that is, to enter into My holy war of repentance revolution and remain in the same. But I say, because of their pride, because of their lust, because of their greed, multitudes have rejected My call. And I say they’ve gone on in their determination to have their way, determination to stay in what it is that they love so much. For I say they love the misery, the wretchedness of their sin, and they will not depart from the same.

So I say, because they have continually rejected My mercy, I say they are liable for wrath. And I say it is My wrath that I give to them in My terrorization through the declaration of war. For I say it is Me, the living God, who will bring My holy hatred against them in their sin for the sins they are guilty of, for their transgressions, their perversions against Me. And it is Me, the living God, who will smite them and bring them low, because they have chosen to wallow themselves in the filthiness of sin. And I say they have hated the call of repentance, the call of mercy that I have brought forth.

And I say, because they have despised My tenderness, My goodness, My beckoning call unto them, I say they will call and I will not answer them. For I say it is Me, the living God, who will war against them, release more war against them, until they are wallowing in their vileness, the bloodshed, the upheaval of war, until they are fraught to the bottom of their nerves each day by what it is that shall come upon them.

And yes, they shall live in dread by the day and fear by the night, and I say that terror will be their constant companion. And I say it is because they have refused to live for Me. And not only have they refused to live for Me, but they have hated My way, My standard, My dictates, and chosen to serve a multitude of idols, all to their own despair. And I say they have wallowed themselves in the blood of their violence, they have wallowed themselves in the magnificence of their greed, and oh, they thought they would remain forever.

But I say the truth of it is, because they have committed those transgressions, I will bring My punishments upon them. And I say, when My punishments are revealed, I say that men will die and perish under the same. And I say there will be no resurrection of them, for I say they are utterly corrupt.

I say this day that I, the living God, am giving the call to any and all who will hear, who will obey, who will come forth in My way, that is, the ones who would humble themselves through repentance, cry out for My mercy, and live only in the fear of Me. For I say, when men are respecting and honoring Me, then I say they are brought forth by Me. And I say, when I bring My terrors upon the earth as I am at this time, I say they will be found abiding in Me, that is, they will be found in the safety that I provide to the ones who will believe upon Me.

Now I say this day that I, the living God, do not, absolutely do not have respect for the wicked, not in any degree, nor do I respect the evil nations that are full of blood thirst and blood lust and domination and violence and upheaval and greed on every hand. For I say that the nations that repeatedly sin against Me, that have forgotten Me, and literally despise My way to take up the way of idols, oh, do you think that they shall get by. And while they have strutted and boasted as to their own greatness, it is Me, the living God, who shall bring them to an end. For I say it is Me, the living God, who is high above nations, it is Me, the living God, who reign supreme, and I say that I shall punish the wicked.

And I say it is Me, the living God, who will likewise punish those who have compromised the truth to take up lies. And I say, wheresoever it is that men have given themselves over to be accepting of perversion, to be accepting of filthiness, to be accepting of sin, I say those things will be turned against them. And I say, the very things they have been so accepting of will prove to be their destruction. For I say it is Me, the living God, who is at war, I say that I will release endless war, and I say that I will pound the very earth in the terrorization of the same. And I say the inhabitants of the earth will have no place to hide, to run from Me.

And I say that the ones who have thought they were a mighty force will throw down their weaponry, will throw down their artifacts, will throw down their tools, and they will flee. And I say, there are many who will scream and run naked through the wilderness, and where shall they be? I say they shall be in terrorization of mind and trembling of body because of the fear that comes upon them. And I say they will not be big and strong, nor tough and able to conquer anymore. For I say it is Me, the living God, who is releasing My terror in the war upon humankind.

I say this day, be thankful for the privilege to be found abiding, to be found coming forth, to be found ever thankful unto Me. For I say, if you do continue to repent, if you do continue to seek My counsel, then you are guided by Me. And I say there are far too many who have lied in My name and claimed that it was all of Me. And I say the false prophets have declared peace when there is no peace, unless men truly repent unto Me. And I say, when men are refusing to repent, to return, to walk uprightly in My way, then of course, they are damned in their transgressions. And yes, they are taken far from the truth, the light, the mercy that I bring day by day. And I say they are taken in a way of multiplied sorrows because they are so far from Me. And I say they are taken down the road of destruction and damnation of soul.

Now I say this day that men have plotted and schemed and executed their wars all for their gain, all for their power, all for their fun. And I say they have thought it nothing to shed the blood of innocents who had nothing to do against them. And I say they have thought it a sport to totally devastate and ruin human life. And I say, because of their war without reason, it is Me, the living God, who will bring My reason for war upon them. And I say it is because of their multiplied transgressions, violations against Me.

Now I say this day that I, the living God, do hold men accountable for the atrocities that they are guilty of. And I say they may think they escape if they run from the field of battle, if they are no longer involved in the same. But I say that they will indeed live in the horrors, the torments of their sins, their crimes against Me. And I say that the blood they have shed shall be every upon their hands.

I say this day that I, the living God, am completely justified in the terrors that I am bringing to humankind. And I say that men will look to run, they will look to hide, they will look to make a way for themselves. But I say that all of their looking will prove to be in vain. For I say, when I, the Almighty God, do strike out against humankind, who can run from Me? And I say, who shall be safe from My wrath, My furry, My indignation revealed?

Now I say it is Me, the living God, who is still giving the call for men to repent. And I say that the ones who will hear and obey and truly humble themselves, I say they will find My way, that is, the way that I have I have prepared for those who are in subjectivity unto Me, that is, the strait and narrow way, the humility way of My life.

But I say that the ones who have proudly, defiantly resisted and refused Me, I say that they will be damned in their violation, their transgression, and their abomination that they commit before Me. For I say there is nothing that is hidden from Me, and men, while they’ve been so wise in their own conceit, will find themselves to be utter fools. For I say it is Me, the living God, who is making the declaration of My holy war manifest and revealed. And it is not only a declaration, but it will be indeed a demonstration that I bring forth. For I say that none can stay My anger, and I say that My rage is kindled hot, because men have flaunted their filth, their transgression, their violence, their murder before Me. They thought they were wise in their own conceit, in their contempt about Me, but I say they are the ones who are held in contempt by Me.