God Declares World War III (Part 4)

Audio version with soundtrack

I speak unto thee this day and I say, in all that you see in these times it is evident that men are at war with Me, that is, it is evident that they have hatred, rebellion, contempt towards Me because of pride. I say it is evident that they are at war against Me. And I say it is evident by the way that they flaunt their sin, exhibit themselves in all manner of filthiness and perversion, that they at war against Me. And I say it is manifest in the way that they teach, the way that they instruct and guide, for it is the way of damnation. And I say they are at war against Me.

And I say it is evident even amongst the ones who claim they are My people, for I say they will not obey Me, they will not seek to please Me. But I say they have literally made another god, and they pay oblation to that god, and they serve that god, and they seek to please that god, but they do not please Me. And I say these ones are at war with Me. And I say there are far too many who have stretched out their hand against Me, they have desired the way of wickedness, the way of evil, the way of violence, the way of bloodshed. And I say that they are all at war against Me.

Now I say it is My time, and I, the living God, have made a declaration, and I hold to the same, that I am at war with them. And I am at war with all transgressors, violators and haters of My way, for I say it is the time that I, the living God, have declared, and I will bring forth My holy war upon the sons of men, upon the ones who choose in opposition to Me, upon the ones who choose transgression above the truth, upon the ones who choose violation above the way of submission unto Me.

And I say it is Me, the living God, who will punish the disobedient for their disobedience, and it is Me, the living God, who will bring down those who are so proud, so lofty, so lifted up in their own imagination. And I say that I will bring them to naught. And I say that I will utterly devastate them. And I say that I will cause them to see what fools they are. And I say that many of them shall be found dead in their transgressions, and likewise damned forever, for I say it is the time that I, the living God, have put forth the declaration of war, of My holy war.

And I say that the disobedient, the hateful, the rebellious will be punished. And I say that the ones who have thought they were in such control, they will find that they have no control at all. And I say that the ones who are full of all their hateful schemes, their conspiracies, their plots, I say they will have the same returned unto them, for I say that I will punish them for their iniquities.

And I WILL punish them for their iniquities. And I say that I will do so through the blazing fire of war, for I shall bring it upon the sons of men. And I say that men shall run for cover, but there will be nothing to cover them, and women shall scream in agony, but I will not hear them, for I say they have refused to hear Me, and I say they have refused to hear My call to repentance revolution and obey the same.

And I say it is Me, the living God, who will reveal My punishments upon them, again and again and again, and as I have told you, many of them will end dead and damned, and they will not be able to rise up in accusation. They will not be able to rise up in hatred and bitterness against Me, for I say that I will give them their just reward, that is, in the punishment they deserve, in the retributive justice of who I am, for I say there are those who have thought they control the whole world through their games of war. And I say that I, the living God, will turn their game upon them, and I, the living God, will punish them, and they will realize before they are dead that what they receive is what they are given, and what is done unto them is what they have done.

And I say that it is Me, the living God, who will literally rub men’s faces in the sins, the transgressions, the violations, the bloodshed that they have done. And I say that they will see before they take their last breath and enter into hell that they have received their retribution, they have received their rewards on this earth. And I say they will go to hell with the very vision before them, the very image before them of what it is that they have done unto others. And I say there will be no forgiveness for them, there will be no mercy for them, for I say, when I called and I called and I called for repentance revolution, they scoffed the same, they mocked and they made light of it, they had contempt towards Me.

Do you not think that I have seen their call for war against Me? Now I answer them. I say that I answer them, for they thought their declaration of war will intimidate Me. But I say that it is Me, the living God, who will turn the very war they have cried for upon them. And I say that they will be beaten, they will be scattered, they will be shattered, for I will bring it to pass. But I say that the ones who will humble themselves before Me in repentance, the ones who will cry out unto Me and seek My face, My counsel, I say they will not be found under the punishments that I will bring forth, but I say that they will be found in the truth, they will be found in the light, they will be found in the mercy that I provide.

Now I say this day, you are not meant to look backwards and see yourself as some great thing, for you are not. I say there are some of you who are holding to images of yourself in the past, and I, the living God, have desired to expand you and bring you forward in Me, and you hold to an image of yourself, as though you were some great thing. You are a fool, for I say, when you are holding to the past, you are at war with Me, for I say, you are at war with My will for thee, and you are at war with My intention for thee, and you are imagining in your imagination that you must reclaim your greatness. You are a fool, for I say, if I, the living God, desire to expand you in Me and you stubbornly, proudly refuse that, you are at war with Me.

Why will you contend against Me? Why will you fight against Me and join the parade of fools? I say this day, bow down before Me in your heart and in your mind and in your will, and do not cling to false imaginations, do not cling to glorification of yourself. But I say, cling to Me, for I say it is Me, the living God, who will prove to be the only rock of refuge in a time of war. And I say it is Me, the living God, who will be the high tower of safety to those who run in to Me.

But I say that the ones who think they can contend with Me and war against Me and fight against My way, I will make utter fools of them, and I will devastate them, and they will be brought to ruination, because they have contended against My will, because they have contended against My way, because they have gone awhoring. And I say they are fools. And I say that fools are taken in their folly and likewise destroyed.

I say this day that I, the living God, am continuing in this declaration of war till it is heard throughout the earth. And I say that I am doing so, and I am calling for the truly repentant to repent, to run in to Me, to revolt against sin, to revolt against transgression and darkness, to revolt against evil. But the ones who are wayward and careless, full of pride and contempt for Me and hating My way, I say they are turned over, and they will be ground down in the war, and many of them will be dead and damned.

Now I say that men have grown so proud, so defiant, so arrogant, so stupid as to think they can contend with Me, as to think they can stand up against Me. But I say that I shall show once again that I am the Almighty. And I say that men shall be rendered helpless and useless. And even the ones who are in positions of high authority shall be brought down.

And I say there are nations that have sealed themselves in pride, that have had total contempt and disrespect and dishonor towards Me. And I say, those nations shall be brought to naught and be remembered no more, for I shall bring them to naught. And I say, when you see the proud buffoons who think they can move the peoples of this world as checkers on a board to please themselves, know they are likewise fools, for I, the living God, can take their very life breath and leave them forever in the iniquity, the transgression, to be faced with the same in hell forever, and there will be no escape for them.

Now I say there are in the nations men who literally thirst for blood. And I say they plot, they scheme, they manipulate in order to have war, that they can indeed satisfy their thirst for blood. But I say that I, the living God, will turn enemies upon them, who are more bloodthirsty than they, and they too shall be destroyed. For I say, when I declared it is the time of My holy war revealed, I say there is none that can stop it, there is none that can hide from it, there is none that can flee and think they are in safety, except for the ones who are in Me, who are found abiding in Me, respecting Me and honoring Me.

I say this day, it is not a light thing, but I say it is a time of great treachery and wickedness. And I say it is a time of great abandonment of My way, even by those claiming to be Mine. And I say, because men have gone so far from Me, because men have mocked and scoffed Me, because men have refused My call of mercy for them to repent, and they have made war against Me, I say that I shall turn war loose upon them, and they shall have never-ending war, they shall have endless war. They shall breathe war, they shall live and die war, because that’s what they wanted.

And I say that it is Me, the living God, who will give it unto them. For I say, when I, the living God, do turn men over to their own motives, when I turn them over to their own lusts, to their own greed, to their own bloodthirst, I say there’s ugliness and hideous personification of the corruption of humankind.

And I say, when I withdraw My hand from them, they go mad. And I say they go insane in their delusions, and they imagine that they are God, and they seek to execute the judgment of God. But they shall be judged. For I say they are deluded and mad fools. And I say they are insane. And it is because they have refused Me.

I say this day that I, the living God, do not call My people to be found among them, and yet they are. And I say it is because they’ve gone awhoring from Me, because they lusted for the world, because they longed for iniquity. And yes, they will receive what they want, for I will give it to them.

But I say that the ones who truly desire Me, the ones who will continue to repent and change their ways and walk humbly before Me, the ones who will seek My face and My counsel and serve Me in gratitude, I say they will be given My mercy and My truth, My light and My hope, and My peace day by day. And I say that they will be brought forth in the way that I intend for them, and they will be given the light upon the path, and they will be given the truth, for it is Me, the living God, ever present to give them the same, to guide them forth in My way, to direct them in My path.

Now I say this day, be thankful for the privilege you have been given to look to Me, to believe upon Me, to trust in Me. And be thankful that I guide you forth each and every day. Be thankful that I direct you in My way. Be thankful that I give you newness of life. Be thankful that you can continue in Me. Be thankful that I am your safety, as long as you remain in Me.

Now I say you are living in times when insanity is raging, and the war against the minds of men is out launched. And I say that men are abandoning themselves daily to demons to be possessed of them. And I say, that is all a part of the war, for men refused the mind of My Spirit, they refused to be subject to My Spirit. Now yes, they want to be ruled by demons? I will turn them over to the madness and the possession of the rule of demons, and they will go utterly insane. And that is My war. That is My holy war that I release upon them. And there are many factors to My war that I will bring forth, that I will reveal, for they are My punishments upon humankind.