

The Keeper

I speak unto you this day and I say: Realize that it is Me the Living God who is the One who is the Keeper of those who will keep themselves in Me. In this life, there are many beckoning…

Bitter Babes: Deadly and Demonized

I speak unto you this day and I say that I the Living God am revealing openly the motives and the actions of those women who are filled with the gall of bitterness and showing just how deadly and demonized…

Doubt Brings Damnation

I speak unto you this day and I say: When I the Living God do give you the truth regarding My intentions, do not be flirting with and giving yourselves over to doubt. This is because when My people who…

Born to Be Blessed

I speak unto you this day and I say that it is My desire that those who are born again, that is, born of incorruptible seed, would see and understand they are born to be blessed. It is not My…

Cannot I Fully Restore?

I speak unto you this day and I ask you: Cannot I the Living God give to you the restoration mercies that you need? Know of a surety that there is nothing too hard for Me, and when it is…

Disasters: Warnings of Damnation

I speak unto you this day and I say that in these times, people are so blinded that they refuse to realize that when I the Living God do send disasters, I send them as warnings for people to repent…

Family Trauma and Tragedy

I speak unto you this day and I say: Because you are living in times of gross violence and senseless murder, know that I the Living God do see those who are born into such circumstances. While the younger generations…

Healed by the Word

I speak unto you this day and I say that the days of miracles—healing, deliverance, raised from the dead, the blind given sight, the deaf made able to hear, the dumb to speak, the cripples to walk—are here now! These…

Where Do Men End?

I speak unto you this day and I ask you: Where do men end? This is dependent on how they live their lives and who it is that they follow. You can be assured that those who are full of…

Crush the Cursed

I speak unto you this day and I say that it is Me the Living God who will crush the cursed who imagine themselves to be invincible and are cheap cheaters and liars. Those who swell up in the insanity…