I speak unto you this day and I say that it is Me the Living God who is ever present with those who are willing to live totally for Me. It is not My intention that My people would be separated from Me and grow cold. Therefore, know that when I use you to rekindle the fire in the hearts and lives of other believers, do not hesitate to keep at that task.
It is vitally important that those who are ever trusting in Me would see that beyond the circumstances or situations, they must not grow cold in their relationship. It is intended that as those who are used to rekindle the Holy Spirit fire and to inspire others to greater faith and trust would keep burning themselves.
I know every testing of your faith that you have gone through and how you have sought to keep quality of relationship with Me. Therefore, when I use you as it pleases Me, do not be disappointed if you do not see everyone set on fire immediately. Just keep steady at the task of inspiring others in their relationship to Me, and you will see that the flicker in them will begin to blaze and they will be inspired once again in Me.
Of course, you well know that the enemies are set on the target of destruction, and because of that, they aim at believers to put out the Holy Spirit Fire within such believers. This of course is in order to take the believers into a place of defeat and death by causing their love for Me to grow cold. However, it is Me the Living God who sees the strategies of enemy forces, and none of those things intimidate Me.
I am ever present to send forth those who will inspire because they have not allowed the fire within them to burn out. Rather, they have the revelation of how important it is that they keep burning and on fire for Me and My kingdom purposes.
Be glad that you do not have to be in league with those who are perpetually sad because they are listening to demons rather than Me. It is not My intention that My people, to whom I have given everything that they have need of, would turn aside from Me because of demonic pressures.
So often, people get their eyes and ears away from what My Spirit is directing them, and in the same they lose their burning desire for My kingdom purposes. Then they let their guard down, and the enemy forces rush in to envelope them in hopelessness for the furtherance of My kingdom, and they turn to the world.
In such turning, they become infected with worldliness and the pressures of the same. They can get caught up and entangled in the everyday cares of this life, no longer depending on Me as their only source. In such ways, they find themselves without hope, and consequently, they depart from My intentions for their lives.
Once the enemy forces have those who once were on fire for Me entangled in the web of worldliness, they will pound them with temptations, with attitudes, with perversity, obscenity and insanity. In such places, some of those who have known Me in times past fall down in surrender to the overwhelming darkness that is over the whole world at this time.
Therefore, keep on inspiring those who have given up and surrendered to the enemy forces, and some of them will realize what they have done and rise up once again in Holy Ghost power. How much better it is to see souls restored than damned! Do not stop when you see the ones who are refusing to rise. Rather be thankful that you can provide the inspiration to the ones who will be re-fired rather than retired.
The more that you are obedient to My kingdom purposes, the more you will understand how important it is to keep ever focused and alerted to what I want for My people. Do not turn your back on those who have been wounded, maimed, crippled and disabled mentally and physically in the times such as these. Rather give them the spiritual encouragement they have need of that they return to Me as their first love and realize that I can still use them for My purposes and desires.
The reality of spiritual warfare is ever present as long as the wicked are on the prowl and souls are in captivity. Be thankful this day that I have equipped you for the Restoration Revolution, and that through the same you are given all that you need to inspire others to be filled once again with the power of the Holy Spirit.
When you see the ones who are discouraged and their fire has gone out, realize they may still have coals burning that can be brought back to flame. The realities of war are always ugly and painful. However, do not cringe and back off of what I want you to do. Rather march onward in the battle and know that while there are souls wounded, captive, oppressed, and depressed, you have work to do for Me.
Learn to love even the unlovable, for I will give to you the love, the mercy, and the patience to show them the power of Restoration Revolution. I do not want you to be infected with disgust at the sight of the afflicted, but rather with compassion, for I will give you the same. Remember I sent My Son to die for all people around the world and to offer to them forgiveness mercies. As you are keeping this in mind and heart, proclaim with joy the message of life that I have given to you to declare.
Don’t take on the discouragement, the despair, and the disappointment that are seeking to devour. Rather be uplifted and shown that it is Me who is far above every power and principality that wants people in hell. Therefore, be the inspiration to a hopeless generation, setting them on fire for Me!