I speak unto you this day and I say that I do not desire you to be constipated spiritually. I want you to be consecrated unto Me, for I alone am your Maker, your Keeper, and the One who desires the very best for you as you will follow and obey Me. I do not intend that My people would walk afar off and go after the vanities of the world, becoming dead and dull because of spiritual constipation.
In the natural sense, people often suffer constipation because they eat the wrong things, then their bowels become blocked up and they cannot digest the food they eat. As a consequence, they become sluggish, full, and overwhelmed by their consumption of food.
I do not want you to be in such a condition, yet many of those who claim to be Mine are in such a shape spiritually. They eat of the world, which is the wrong food, then they become constipated and unable to move with the commands of My Spirit and obey the same. Consequently, they grow very sluggish, dull and dead in their feelings and responses to the commands of My Spirit.
When you see a brother or a sister in such a condition, know that you are obligated to admonish such a one if they are in such sad shape because they are eating of the world rather than of the bread of heaven that I desire for them to eat of. The wrong diet can bring them, if not corrected, to the place of worldliness and spiritual sloth, and eventually they will lose their souls to death and damnation if they do not change.
Therefore, do not think that it is not your obligation to admonish them. It is your obligation, and you must do as the Spirit commands you in order that they would be uplifted and given the right food to keep them alive and alert in Me.
It is My intention that My people would maintain their spiritual well-being by partaking of that which I give to them, and doing so with gladness and thanksgiving. I do not want my people to be subjecting themselves to those things that cause them to become constipated and dull as the consequence of unclean food. My people are definitely meant to be dedicated, consecrated and separated unto Me as their God.
When you see how much My people are eating of the world, know that they are foolish children, for they are partaking of such things as will cause them great distress. While they may imagine that they get by, they do not, for whatsoever they have done will face them in the end, and they will be destroyed by the same.
Be glad even this day that you do not need to be participating in the corruption that is so widespread amongst those who are claiming to be Mine, yet their actions are completely of the world, and by the same their hearts grow more and more distanced from Me. My people are not meant to become contaminated, constipated and distanced from Me. They are meant to grow closer and closer to Me that they can be found well pleasing to Me and walking in the way that is straight and narrow.
When My people will keep their ears and their eyes open to the commands of My Spirit, they are directed in the straight and narrow way that keeps them uplifted and rejoicing in Me each day. They will be enabled to serve Me in the attitude of gratitude and keep their consecration unto Me. In such a condition or state of being, they are well pleasing, and I do not withhold any good thing from them.
As My people understand that each one must scrutinize his own actions and motives under the covering of the Holy Spirit, then they will understand their own faults and failures and be alerted to stand strong against such things as could cause them to lose their own spiritual integrity. I do not want My people to be involved in backbiting and gossiping against one another, for they do not gain anything from such conduct. In such habits, they will see that they bring in disunity and mistrust among believers rather than strong confidence and unity.
As My united believers, I want you to be in one mind and one accord because you are aligned and in allegiance to My Holy Spirit’s directives and commands. Those who are walking under the mind of My Spirit will come to the revelation of how important it is to keep steadfast and abounding in the way that they are being led by the Spirit. My Spirit does not lead people into a ditch or mire. My Spirit leads and guides My people into the way that is meant for them to walk in and be made glad each day.
Be thankful unto Me this day that you can be directed and brought forth by a plain path, and given the light that is provided to those who are consecrated unto Me. Do not eat of the world, for the same is harmful and will bring you to a place of spiritual dullness and deadness. Rather, focus on eating of that which will enliven and encourage you as well as other believers. Realize that you do not live only for yourselves and your own well-being, but you need to be concerned with the needs of other believers, as well as the lost souls who are dying in their sins.
Thank Me even this day that by keeping yourselves clean and clear by not partaking of the constipating food of the world, you are enabled to come forth ever renewed and uplifted in the way that I have intended and provided for you. Do not grow weary of My way, but rejoice that it is the way that is the life eternal and everlasting, and is meant for you to walk in and be kept. You are My vessels, and I want you consecrated, not constipated.