I speak unto you this day and I declare to you: Do not fear the wicked when they come against you to destroy you. Know of a surety that it is Me the Living God who does care for you and guide you forth by a plain path in the way that I intend for you. Therefore, do not live in the fears that would seek to beset you and take control of your mind and your actions. Be assured that it is Me the Living God who is ever present to give to you all that you have need of every day. My Spirit does not lead you into fear on every hand; My Spirit leads you forth in courage and strength, because it is Me who is indeed well able to make the way before you.
Do not think that the sources that are ever present are intended to destroy you. They are not. For although the wicked imagine they are well able to rid the earth of you, they are deceived. For I am with you and I will not allow the wicked to overwhelm you in all of their plots against you. For while they encamp against you and imagine that they shall prevail, be aware that I am stronger than they are, and their intentions for your destruction will bring them to destruction.
Be glad even this day that you can look to Me as your ever present help and that I will lead you forth by a plain path, which is intended for you to walk in. Therefore, walk circumspectly, redeeming the time, knowing of a surety that I am near and I am here for you. Do not allow fear to take rule over you, whereby you are controlled by the same.
There are endless multitudes who are bound in the grips of fear, all for naught, because their hearts are overwhelmed by the spirits of fear to the extent that their hearts actually fail to function. Realize that no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper in the sense that men have the upper hand against My people. Know that when My time comes, such as have conspired against the just are put down by Me. I do not by any means intend that your hearts would be failing due to fear.
Be thankful this day that you are repeatedly given the opportunity to see My miracle power made manifest in your midst. As you are depending upon Me, you will see that there is none who is like unto Me, for I prevail and I show to you that I am indeed well able. Therefore, do not be vulnerable to the works and the workers of darkness in all of their threatening against you. I do not desire you to cave in to their intimidation tactics, for I am stronger than any kingdom of people and any kingdom of demonic powers.
Be thankful this day that it is Me you are able to look to in faith and hope. I have intended, and I still do, to bring you forth by a plain path and see that you are directed in the life that I have for you. Be glad, not sad, because I do care for you more than you know.
There are far too many who have given themselves to fear rather than faith, because they have trusted in their own understanding rather than looking to Me as the One who is their mainstay. I do not want you to walk according to your carnal mind, for the same is the enemy of My intentions and purpose for you. Do not be taken down by the powers that imagine they remain forever. Such powers do not remain forever; they are easily disposed of by Me. Why should My people walk under and be guided by the fears that govern the heathen?
Be thankful that it is Me that you can look to and believe in each day. Do not ever imagine that you are supposed to be looking to the devices of wickedness. Rather, you are meant to keep focused on Me and what I am able to do for you. It is a good thing to be enabled to partake daily of Me and to be strengthened by the same. The more that you draw your strength of Me, the more that you will understand how good I am and how much I will bring you forth in the renewing of your minds by My words given to you each day.
I do not leave My people to perish in hunger because they are starving either naturally or spiritually. It is Me the Living God who is well able to feed My people all that they have need of every day. Be glad that you are serving Me and that you know My care for you.
If you really could see the multitudes who are bound by fear, it would astound you. I never intended for you to be among them; I intended and still intend for you to be full of faith and hope in Me. Although the times will be full of hardship and trouble to the ones who are living for false gods, I will give strength to the ones who are living for Me each day and looking to Me as their rock of refuge. My people are intended to be witnesses not only in their words, but in their quiet confidence in Me as they are able to ascend above the fears, the troubles that overwhelm multitudes daily.
Be thankful that as you look to Me you will not be made ashamed, for I am with you and I do not leave you desolate. Thank Me that I am indeed ever present and I have given you My Spirit to guide you continually as you journey on this earth. Be glad that it is Me that you are privileged to partake of with thanksgiving and gladness each day. Do not alter your course to follow after fear. Rather, keep steady in Me as the One you believe in and trust. Be aware that it is Me who ultimately bears rule over you and who will keep you under the shadow of My wings. I do not allow the doers of evil to continue in their contempt towards you.