Trust Agreement

I speak unto you this day and I say that I desire that you would enter into and remain in the trust agreement with Me. I want My people to be trusting in Me no matter the situation or circumstances they find themselves in. Those who are Mine are not meant to be absorbed in the fears, the doubts, the depression and despair that is the cup of those far from Me. I want those who are Mine to be trusting daily in Me and not looking to the arm of flesh, nor imagining that they must seek their comfort in carnality. Nor do I desire that My people would grow faint and give way to any number of the devices of darkness that are ever presenting themselves.

Reality is that these are dark times, yet even though My people may find themselves in the midst of death and destruction, I do not want them to be consumed in the fear of those happenings. When My people are fully committed to their agreement with Me, they are in the divine covenant, and I will not ever depart from them if they walk in righteousness. The more difficulty that My people face, the more they will come to understand and realize that I am the One who is omnipresent and they can trust in Me.

The world is ever self-destructing because people do not adhere to Me, nor do they follow My intentions for their lives. They want only to do things their way and not be found abiding in My way. It has never been My intention that those who are Mine would be found going in the way of the damned. Yet, when My people do not strive to put Me and keep Me first in their lives, they will find their trust in Me waning and growing weaker. Sad to say, far too many allow themselves to get caught up in the cares of this life, and those cares are cruel.

Because these are times of instability, insecurity, and insanity, multitudes are being swept away into the sea of iniquity whereby they are battered about by the waves of sin that are sweeping over the world. I do not want My people to be drowning in those waves of wickedness; I want them to be abiding in the Lighthouse that stands on the shores of safety and remaining constant in their trust in Me.

In these times when the hordes of demonic powers are swarming and destroying as many as they can, My people are meant to totally trust in Me. The more that those who are claiming to be Mine abandon themselves in full surrender to Me and My purposes, the more that they prove to be useful to Me and are therefore ready to serve Me as the One they love.

Do not believe the tirades of deceit and conceit that are sweeping across the nation as those in power are being shaken by Me. I have every intention of moving in power and glory, and that does not mean that the devil and his demons will not violently oppose what I am doing. You will see great upheavals in the coming months as those who have held evil are not ready to relinquish their powers and prosperity taken from the populace.

The agendas of the wicked do not cease, and those who are behind the scenes are angry because their puppets are in rebellion, no longer playing in cooperation with their plans. The wicked are literally turning on each other, and they will prove that their allegiances are not with the arranged agendas but rather to themselves and their own gain. It will be made manifest to the world that their attempts to bring in crippled and crumbling communism will prove to be a cannibalistic carnage whereby they will consume one another in character mutilation.

Therefore do not be shocked at what shall be made evident, for the wicked will devour and destroy one another and have no guilt or remorse over the same. This is because they all are driven by demons, and the puppets are literally possessed by demons and are merely victims of their own greedy lusts and choices.

There is none who is innocent among the wicked, for they are driven by the very demon powers they gave their souls unto in order to gain their best lives now. Inasmuch as those who are workers of wickedness are consumed of their own lusts, they will battle it out among themselves as there is great revolt among their ranks.

Be assured that as you are remaining true to the trust agreement that you have with Me, you will not be taken in the darkness that is here and now. You will be led daily by My Spirit that will take you forth in the way that is light, life, love, because your trust remains in Me and is not weakened by the gloominess that is the cup of the world.

As I have said, the world is ever persistent in pursuing the course of destruction and damnation, and that is why I do not want My people to be looking to the world as their example. I have called and chosen My warriors for righteousness in these times to know Me as the One they are intended to serve in gratitude. The attitude of gratitude will prevent you from falling prey to the despair and depression that is a current plague in these times of terror technology.

Do not believe that you must be among the walking dead when you are given eternal life through Me and guided in the way by My Spirit. You are not meant to be a statistic of victory for the devil and his demons because they have caused you to lose your confidence in Me. Rather, you are intended to be ever made glad that I am the One who is with you at all times.

Do not dread these times; rejoice that you will see Me reveal My kingdom in marvelous miracles and tender mercies. Look with expectation, for it is Me who is moving by the outpouring of My Spirit upon the lost and dying world.