Plans for Good

I speak unto you this day and I say that it is Me the Living God who has plans for you for good and not evil. Those who will come under the mind of My Spirit and listen to Me will find that I have good intended for them and not evil by any means. Therefore be attentive to Me as the One true God whose words do not return void but accomplish what I intend.

There are many who are declaring in this time of uncertainty, instability, and insanity that the “end of the world” is here. However, I do not intend to end the world for those who will listen to My words given through the Holy Spirit and obey the commands and dictates of those words. When I speak to My people through Holy Spirit inspired prophets, they are meant to obey and listen to those words.

Be thankful this day that you can listen to Me and obey what it is that I have for you to do. You are not meant to involve yourselves in those things that are far from you and be taken up in the same by living in falsehoods and delusions. When anyone will choose to live in falsehoods and delusions, they are basically giving more importance to lies than to the truth that I give to them, and by such choices they are taken far from Me.

I do not want My people to be taken far from Me; I want them to be near to Me and in obedience to the commands that I provide for them to live by. I do not want My people to be living under constant fearfulness and dread, for I can give them favor if they will pay heed to the commands and dictates that I send to them. In other words, they are not to look at themselves as being “on the run”; they are to look at themselves as being kept by Me and able to prosper and enjoy their lives even if they are in enemy territory.

It is Me the Living God who is with the ones who hear and obey and walk in the way that I intend for them. Therefore, be thankful this day that you can look to Me and receive of Me in these times of upheaval on every hand. The more that there is trouble on the horizon, the more that My people are meant to know My peace over them, because they are trusting themselves to Me as the author and the finisher of their faith. Do not be wearied in the wickedness of these times; instead, be giving Me thanks and praise that you do not have to participate in the wickedness all around, but you can obey Me and be kept.

Consider My servant Daniel: He lived in the midst of wickedness, yet he remained true to Me and gained favor because of his faithfulness to Me. So it is that I want My people to remain true to Me and not take up the foolish ways of the wicked who surround them.

When a people will maintain their integrity with Me, they will find that I do not leave them desolate and I do not put them in the prison houses of captivity. However, when My people stop looking to Me and begin to look at the circumstances, those circumstances will rush in to crush what hope they had in Me. The truth is very simple: Keep your confidence in Me, and by the same you will find that the mercies I intend for you are present, new every morning and fresh as the morning dew.

Do not go down under the multitude of fears that are grabbing people and taking them into captivity. Remember I am your shield and I am your rearguard, and as you are keeping confidence in Me, you are kept. I do not by any means want you to go down under the calamities of these days and think that I put you there. I do not. I want you to see that I will give to you all that you need as I am your provider and your protector.

Know the goodness, the mercy, and the abundance that I have for you, and do not let false accusations rise in your hearts against Me because of the wearisome wretchedness of the wicked all around. I do not call you to participation in the world and its wicked, wretched, wearisome grind. I call you to the blessedness that I have in preparation for the ones who keep on believing and trusting in Me as the One true God whose power and glory remain forever and ever.

Stop and consider that it is Me who raises nations up and takes nations down, and My people are not meant to let their existence be based on earthly nations. Rather, as My people look to Me and follow My plans for good, they will find favor with Me and be kept, for I will keep them always. Do not hesitate to follow hard after Me and keep in line with the way that I have for you and know the mercies that I will give to you.

More than anything, walk in the way that I intend and do not descend into the depths of darkness that are all around. Rather rise up each day and give Me thanks and praise that you are serving Me and are not in bondage to the world and its wickedness. I do not want My people to go after any other way, any other god, and by the same be overwhelmed. I want My people to remain steadfast in the way that I intend for them and to be thankful that it is Me that they can look to in confident trust because I am able.

If you consider the many powers of adversity, perversity, and insanity that are raging and ranting, know that you do not need to lend your ears or your eyes to such foul spirits. Rather, you can give yourselves over to Me and rejoice that I am the One who is far above and I am the One who will guide you forth by a plain path. Keep clean and clear in your walk and your vision, and know that I have plans for your good so you will receive.