I speak unto you this day and I ask: Who is it that you are bearing witness of in this life? There are people who are claiming it is Me that they love, yet they do not bear witness of Me at all. Instead, they are speaking of praising and worshiping mere men and women, and the same are their idols. I do not want My people to be found worshiping idols in the form of other people and spending their efforts to glorify those who do nothing for them.
If you stop and consider how many there are who are professing to be Christians yet how few of them are bearing witness of My kingdom, it is sad to behold such idolatry as they manifest while claiming to believe. Instead, such ones as these are not believing in Me, nor are they following in the way that I have intended for them. They are following the fads, the stars, the celebrities of the current times or times past. They are devoted adherents to whatever their star or celebrity proclaims, without facing the realities that their idols are dumb and will perish in sin because they do not serve Me.
I have from the beginning declared that My people are not meant to worship idols; they are meant to worship Me. I have not altered that declaration to accommodate the current generations in their sins. In fact, I am just as angered by idolatry as I have ever been, and when those who are claiming to be of My family are bowing to idols, they are disgusting to Me.
My people are not meant to be giving adoration to other people as though they were gods or glorified saints. I do not call My people to pray to saints, nor do I call them to bow to the feats of athletes who are oftentimes drugged during their great performances.
It is one thing to obey Me as the One who bears rule over you; it is another to have other gods you serve and become obedient to the demons that are behind those gods. As My people are meant to serve Me as their God, it is a very serious matter when they are serving idols. These are times when people have turned away from Me because they were turned off by religion and wanted more, yet there were none to lead them in the true spiritual journey.
Be thankful this day that I the Living God will fully equip you if you will worship Me as the One who loves you and keeps you. I promise that when My people bear witness of Me and are not ashamed, then I am not ashamed of them. My Spirit will manifest miracles through the ones who bear witness of Me.
This is My time, and I am calling to people far and wide to repent and come into My kingdom by believing in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, whose blood was shed to cover the sins of all sinners. I am using any who is willing to bear witness of My kingdom, and when they remain faithful and true to Me, they will not be false witnesses. My kingdom is available to those who respond to the call going forth by the many men and women who are taking to the highways and byways and declaring My divine love kingdom.
In these times of uncertainty, profanity, and insanity, multitudes are searching and seeking, while My people are busy playing world. I do not want those who know Me, My Son, and My Spirit to busy themselves with idolatry of worldly people, places, and things, while they are far from Me. No, My people are meant to bear witness of My kingdom and to declare to the multitudes who have no hope the hope that is found in and through repentance unto Jesus Christ, the pattern Son.
Those who are hearing My Spirit’s command to go out into the world and bear witness of My kingdom and obeying that command will enter into new realms of spiritual battle and see My power revealed. It is actually meant that those who are claiming to be followers of Christ would bear witness of His mercies and see the miracles that My Spirit performs.
The Christians of every generation are responsible and accountable to bear witness of My kingdom. When they refuse to do so and fill their time with idolatry, they have entered into the treachery of spiritual harlotry and they are liable for My wrath to be revealed upon them.
Therefore do not hesitate to bear witness of Me, My Son, and My Spirit, for we are the new kingdom where life, love, and light are revealed to those who will hear the call to repentance revolution and obey. The more that you see My miracles poured out on the needy, the more you will grow to appreciate Me as your Maker and the One who gives new life.
The reality is that millions are dying without salvation and are headed down to the eternal damnation that comes to the unrepentant. When you become aware of their cries of agony because they did not hear the truth, can you shut your ears to the same and worship idols?
Those who are so hardened in their hearts that they do not care about lost sinners are fools. They too are counted as sinners before Me because they are in love with their idols. It is indeed a shameful thing when people have given themselves to the multitude of idols and have refused to bear witness of My kingdom to the souls who are perishing in sin.
Actually, those who are doing that are the greater sinners, because they know the truth and are ashamed to declare the very truth that sets people free from lies. Those who are ashamed to bear witness of My kingdom and the salvation mercies available through repentance unto Jesus Christ My Son are a shame to Me, and I will not be with them in their hours of anguish and agony.