When My People Rebel, They Get Hell

I speak unto you this day and I say that I do not tolerate rebellion from those who are claiming to be Mine, and I will punish them in My wrath, fury, and indignation. I have never intended for people to be doing “their own thing” while expecting to receive the mercies that I provide for the ones who are walking uprightly in Me and doing as I desire of them.

I do not find pleasure in the ones who have chosen to deviate from the pathway that I provide and go in the ways of the world. In these times of hardness of heart and stiffness of neck, multitudes throughout the world are swept up in the waves of rebellion against Me because those who claim to be Mine are leading the rebellious revolt.

These leaders are intent on proving how much they can imitate the world and participate in the spiritual harlotry of the world and still receive My mercy. However, they are deceived and deceiving others, because I do not find pleasure in them, and they will receive misery for their transgressions.

There are multitudes in these times who put on outward shows of happiness, yet because they are rebellious, they are inwardly miserable. In all aspects of the culture as it is, there are such hypocrites and pretenders who are living in pretension and displaying false faces, while they live on drugs and delusion.

It has never been My intention for My people to be pretenders and hypocrites, yet they rebel against Me and that is what they become. Those who are living in delusion and confusion are literally double-minded, and in that doublemindedness, they put out messages that are weak.

I want those of you who are remaining righteous before Me to keep your standards of integrity of relationship with Me because you are putting Me first in your lives and living according to My desires for you. I do not want you to be involved in the multitude of sinful practices and abominations that are the vogue, the mode of these times.

It becomes a grief to My Spirit, who I have given to guide My people in righteousness, when those claiming to be Mine are committing sinful abominations that end in damnation. Therefore, keep in mind that I do not want My people to live in delusion and confusion; I want My people to be guided by My Spirit, for I have given to them the Spirit to lead and guide them into all truth. There are many troublesome situations and circumstances people enter into, then what comes is because they choose to rebel, and they receive retribution.

When you are seeing those who are claiming to be Christian, yet their hearts are hard and their deeds are deceitful and devious, know they have chosen to come under the covering of demons, as they are loving their sins. I have not put them into the troublesome lives they are living; they have put themselves there because of their rebellion against Me, My Spirit, My Son, and My messengers.

Miserable and full of inward torments, they put on their false faces, only to lure others into the same sins that hold them in captivity and bondage. Their lifestyles are what they have chosen, and their sins are their joy rather than Me. Do you think that I find any pleasure in such ones? I say that I am repulsed and disgusted with their selfishness.

I do not intend that My people would live in selfishness, greed, and promotion of their own selves. I desire that those who are Mine would be living in the way that I desire for them to live in, and by their allegiance to Me, openly declaring the goodness of My kingdom.

Therefore be recognizing how much you need Me, and adhere to My Spirit, for the same is My gift to you to keep you guided in the way I provide. It is not a good thing to deviate from Me and go after that which is defiled and contaminated.

I do not want My people to be eating and drinking the spiritual food of the heathen and become poisoned by the same. Those who are following the spiritual leaders whose message is demon inspired are conducting themselves in sinful behaviors because their leaders are evil.

It is not My Spirit that leads people into the multiplied transgressions they are in. They are being led by demon-inspired leaders and they are becoming as evil as those leaders who are led by demons. Therefore keep alert and alive to the behaviors that are being manifested by those who claim to know Me. When you see rebellion and sins made evident and become public display, know that I have brought about such to expose the pretenders and hypocrites for who and what they are.

I do not want My people to go on and on in the ways of wantonness and debauchery and lead others into the same open pits of sin. I want My people to be the physical and spiritual representation of My kingdom, which is light, love, and life.

Be serving Me each day in the attitude of gratitude because you have been received into the kingdom that remains after the kingdoms of men have collapsed and been blown away by the wind. Remember that I am the eternal and that all other gods are mere idols, and they represent darkness and evil and are not to be served by My people.

Those who have known My way and then turn back on Me go right into the arms of demons, and they are left to be in misery, affliction, suffering, and woe. This applies to peoples and to nations, for those who were once great will become as the groveling and the destitute because of demonic invasion.

Keep up your standard in Me and keep your vision single, that you do not partake of the table of demons and become poisoned by the contamination of abomination.