Come Out of Pain and Into Praise

I speak unto you this day and I say that it is Me the Living God who wants to bring My people out of the pain they are existing in and into praise, whereby they are lifted up and given the hope that I alone can provide. I do not want My people to be as those who live continually in pain and find reason to complain. Rather, I want My people uplifted and rejoicing in praise because it is Me they serve and their eyes are opened to the goodness that I have in store for them to partake of day by day.

These are times when people are living in depravity, negativity, hostility, and insanity. The vast majority are accepting the picture that demons paint for them of their lives, and because of that, they are continually complaining.

I do not want My people to be involved in complaining against Me and taking on the standards of the world and by the same being depressed. My people are meant to be uplifted because they are not dwelling in and about themselves. Instead, they have escaped the prison house of self and have come up into My presence. My Kingdom is not ugly, nor are those who are found in Me meant to be under the misery of the heathen round about.

When any people will learn the power that is available as they are praising Me, then they will be delighting themselves in Me. Those who are not allowing themselves to indulge in chronic complaints will see how deadly and destructive it is to complain.

Many people are experiencing continual pain and therefore they take up their residence in the realms of complaining, and their pain increases as they do. However, those who will not give regard to their pain and rather give praise and glory unto Me will find themselves being brought out of pain and uplifted in praise.

The more that you exercise yourselves in praising and thanking Me, the more you will see that I inhabit the praises of My people. There are many battles that are won over the enemies by giving praise and thanks unto Me. I want My people to be found in My presence rather than engulfed in the negative presence of demons that want them to be destroyed and devoured.

It is by My Spirit that My people are being led forth as they obey the commands that the Spirit gives to them. The Spirit does not lead those who are claiming to be Mine into the captivity of complaining continually, for the same is the work of demons. This day, allow My Spirit to show you where you are complaining without cause and by your own words being locked down rather than lifted up.

You are not meant to be in captivity to complaining; you are meant to be uplifted and rejoicing in the goodness and the greatness of who I am every single day. It is not My intention that those who claim to love Me would waste the time that they have on this earth in self-pity. Do not be found complaining about everything; rather be found praising Me and being present in My joy.

There are many ways that I desire to give mercy to My people, and it is not My pleasure to see them living in pain brought on by their own complaints against Me. Because it is My intention that My people reflect the goodness of My kingdom, My Spirit will lead them in the way that is beautiful as they will make it their practice to praise Me and thank Me.

In this wicked and worn-out world, there are multitudes who are in pain continually, and very few have learned to praise themselves out of the same. Instead of praising Me, My people are as the world’s people. That is, they give way to the remedies of men to alleviate their pain and find themselves addicted to substances that cause them more pain.

I do not want My people to be caught up in the trap of addiction to pain relievers of all kinds. I want My people to give praise unto Me and be brought up in the power of My presence and the goodness that I have prepared for them.

This day, do not complain and increase the pain that exists in your lives. Instead, be giving Me praise and thanks for the many mercies and the goodness I provide for you, when others are existing in the miseries that the demons bind them in. Know of a surety that the more you are willing to receive the instructions and corrections that are given to you through My Spirit, the more that you will be glad and not sad.

If you really take a good, long look at the multitudes who are living in constant misery, you will see that they cannot escape because of their continual complaining. Yes, their lives are miserable, but many of them would not want to live any other way. This is because they find their refuge in lies and in the misery they accept as their cup. Then, in their own eyes, they are justified to take whatsoever means of corruption they desire, because of their troubles.

I do not want anyone who claims to love Me to be existing in such wretchedness because they desire to go down rather than up into the power of My presence. The ones who truly love Me will be taught and trained how important it is to come above pain and not complain, by giving me praise all of their days.

Do not use your tongues this day to satisfy the desires of demons. Use your tongues to satisfy Me and know of a surety that through Me you are enabled to be uplifted and abounding in the goodness I give. Be true representatives of My kingdom and come out of pain and into praise, because I am waiting for you as you give Me thanks and praise.

Those who remain in misery love the company of the demons who drive them to be in chronic pain brought on by their choices to complain.