I speak unto you this day and I say: Consider your choices, how important they really are. When people are making wrong choices today, then they pay for those choices tomorrow and for a long time. This is why it is important that My people do not make choices impulsively, but rather choose according to My intention and My desire.
I do not find pleasure in My people when they make choices without seeking My face and desiring the mind of My Spirit in their life-affecting decisions. My people are not meant to carelessly and casually take up the idols and the ways of the heathen as though they will find peace in those.
Know that I am jealous after My people, and they are not meant to worship idols nor take on the ways of the world, for in such they offend Me. If you stop and consider, I have never intended for My people to make wrong choices and to pay for the same. When people are making wrong choices, they are literally setting themselves up for sorrows and sufferings they would not have to undergo had they refrained from playing the whore on Me.
It is one thing to be unknowing of My way and by the same to be troubled and tormented by the very fact of ignorance, yet it is very grievous to Me when the ones who have a knowledge of My way choose in opposition. My people are called to obey Me and to follow the mind of My Spirit and be guided each day by the same. As My people are faithfully adhering to Me, they will be enabled to partake of the mercies that I give unto them and be guided forth in the way that is intended.
Do not imagine that you can do as you please and by the same be shown My light on your path. Whenever anyone claiming to be Mine chooses in opposition to Me, they are choosing the way that will prove to be death and damnation of their souls.
It is foolishness for My people to drink of the polluted waters of the world and become poisoned by the same. I give to My people the fountain of living waters that they can drink of the same and be refreshed and find satisfaction in My will.
I do not want My people to be ever opposing Me and imagining that as they are making wrong choices I am obligated to watch over them and bless them in the same. Do not ever live in the evil intent that so many are bound in and by the same, knowing nothing about the lasting sorrow that wrong choices will bring to those who persist in making such choices.
Those who choose to lose then are angry at Me because of their own choices are fools, for while they attempt to retaliate because of their own wrong choices, they literally are failing to see the error of their ways and repent and return to Me. I do not want people to be locked into their prison houses that they are in, yet they are there many times because they are stubbornly resisting repentance and by the same have isolated themselves from Me.
I do not intend for My people to be hermits and to be found living in their own little worlds. When I gathered My people into tribes, it was because I wanted them to be in harmony and working together under My headship. While people in their pride have thought they could find a better way, all that they have found is confusion.
There are in the world today endless examples of bad governments led by demon-possessed leaders, because men and women thought they no longer needed My divine directives. They chose instead to make the wrong choices and to choose to be directed by demons rather than My Spirit. Because of the coverings that are over nations at this time, My true people are found struggling and attempting to stay clear when everything is confusion and delusion around them.
This is why it is important that My people are joined with other believers who desire to obey Me and follow My dictates to them. Those who keep single in their allegiance to Me will find that they are divinely guided in their choices and decisions. By one person’s choices for My way rather than their own, they can affect others likewise and be able to show to them that My way is the only way that is mercy.
Be thankful this day that you do not need to be going after the folly of fools and by the same be overwhelmed and devoured. As you keep persistently seeking the mind of My Spirit, you will not be made ashamed, and you will be ever enabled to see that My way is indeed perfect.
It is a good thing to keep your vision single unto Me and to know that My Spirit will not lead you into the ditch of despair. My Spirit is given to keep you in the straight and narrow way that will give to you the enlightenment and the directives that you have need of. It is one thing to be given the directives and the light on your path; it is another to receive such with gladness and rejoicing and come forth knowing that My way is perfect and that My intentions for you are good and not evil.
As you keep ever loving Me and wanting to please Me, you will not be easily influenced by the world that surrounds you and wants you to be damned. Instead, you will be knowing of a surety that My way is the only way that brings life through salvation. All other ways lead to death and damnation, because such ways may appear to be all right, yet they are not because they are originating from the devil and his demon forces. My people are not meant to be influenced by demons in their choices.