I speak unto you this day and I say that I desire faith to be manifest in My people inasmuch as they do not quit, but they continue steadfast in the way that I desire, not wavering or volleying between two masters. My people are meant to persist and remain ever continuing to believe that I will hear and answer them, and they will be enabled to rejoice in My goodness. It is My intention that My people learn to persist in their prayers and their trust in Me, for I am indeed the God who does hear and answer the prayers of My people.
You are living in times when the multitudes are far from Me and have gone after that which I never intended for them. Because they are following the commands of demons, the majority of these are praying to the wind, and their prayers are left unanswered.
I do not want you to follow after the foolery that is so common in these times. Rather, I want you to follow what it is that I have intended for you in order to receive the abundance of mercies, the goodness, and the blessings that I have in store for the persistent.
It is My good pleasure to see the ones who will persist in their faith in Me and keep ever confident that as they continue to pray, I will hear and answer them. Inasmuch as you are living in times when the multitudes are weak and wanting relief of the pressures that assail them daily, I do not want My people to look to them as having any answers. They do not, for their lives are full of all manner of issues, traumas, and dramas they cannot cope with because of the demons who bear rule over them.
If you are persisting and resisting the wiles of the wicked one and his demonic forces, you will be focused on the Holy Spirit. I have given to you My Holy Spirit that you are guided in the way that is truth and the way that is ever available to you. As you are going in that way, you are not made ashamed, for you will not end in the ditch of despair, desolation, and depression that the unbelievers are in.
I want you as My people to keep persevering in your faith and therefore to be persistent in putting your prayerful petitions before Me. If you hear the pleas of your own offspring, while you may not want to answer them at the moment, you will respond if they persist. So it is with My people. I want them to learn to persist in their petitions, their prayers, and as they do, I will not resist them. I will answer them according to godly wisdom and give them understanding in every situation that is presented to them.
Be glad even this day that you can look to Me and know that I am indeed the One who desires for My people to finish the course that is set before them. There are many who start out with all enthusiasm, yet they do not persevere, and because they give up along the way, they do not finish their course in Me. Consequently, they do not receive the rewards of the righteous.
When you put your hands to the plow, you are not meant to look back and become unfit by the same. I do not want you to be imagining that you had it better in the world. If a person is headed to self-destruct and end in the agonies of the damned in hell forever, that is not a good path, nor is it something to be held in admiration and fond remembrance.
Truly, to persist in pride, rebellion, and disobedience is to be persistent in self-destruction. Fools are taken in their folly, and while they imagine that they are all right to do as they want, it is because they have partaken of that which will cause them to die in their folly.
If you stop and look at how many people end in hell because they are listening to self and the demons who are partners with the old nature, it is very tragic, yet far too many have chosen and are still choosing to persist in the course of destruction rather than persist in the course of redemption.
Do not be found among those who are only seeking for their own comforts and in the same have become dumb and defiant of My way. There are so many who want only to have their own fulfillment, yet they are never satisfied. This is because there is no lasting satisfaction to be found apart from Me. Therefore, be alert and alive to the fact that I am with you always and that in and through My Spirit, you are ever being guided in the way that is life eternal in My kingdom.
If you persist in your prayers and supplications unto Me, you will find that in the duration of time, your testimony will be one of admiration for My goodness to you and the times that I proved to be your resource. When My people will continue steadfast in their faith, their trust, and their hope in Me, they will receive the rewards of the righteous. Likewise, when those who are claiming to be Mine are imagining that I will give them a stone if they ask for bread, such as these will not receive mercy; they will receive misery.
Reality is that you must persist in your expectations that I will answer you, and not give way to unbelief at any time, for the same is evil in My sight. If you look at the history of My people in the days of old, when they looked to the help of the heathen, they received misery rather than mercy.
So it is now. You are not meant to look to mere men and women, nor to insane and profane leaders who are taking nations into My wrath rather than My mercy. Rather, you are to persist and know that I will not resist you when you are trusting that I am the merciful who loves you more than you could ever love your own selves. Know of a surety that I hear you and I provide as you pray.