Worried, Wearied, Worn and Wasted

I speak unto you this day and I say: Beware the strategy of the evil one and his demonic cohorts, for it is the devil’s aim to cause My people to become worried over all manner of instability and insanity, until they are engulfed in the same and lose their vision of Me and My kingdom. I do not want you to take on the worries that are the cup of the world’s people; I want you to adhere to Me as the One you look to and believe.

The reality of the world is always one that is not at peace, because the world’s tycoons know that there are fortunes to be made off of wars. Therefore, there will always be troubles in the world in order to cause wars and rumors of more wars to erupt. This is the world’s way of political and financial maneuvering to bring in abundance of turmoil, terror, and tyranny. Needless to say, the ones who benefit out of such outrageous and outlandish schemes are politicians and financial tycoons.

My people are not meant to get caught up in the schemes of wicked and cruel leaders who want only to gain complete control over vast numbers of peoples as well as land and sea areas. Such ones as these are demented and believe that they will remain forever. However, they are deceived, for they are mere fools who fall for the lies of the devil and his demonic forces. They so abandon themselves unto lies and delusions that they believe themselves to be beyond all correction and instruction. By their abandonment to demonic control, they become entrenched in the grasp of demons, and by the same are driven to greater and greater insanity.

I do not intend for My people to be caught up in such insanity; I intend for My people to keep their vision single unto Me and to come forth uplifted, directed, and guided by My Spirit, not the demonic spirits. If you stop and look at the condition of the multitudes in these times, they are bound in the drama and trauma of the world, without hope and trust in Me. As the ones who serve Me, take heed to the warnings that are given to you by My Spirit and know that you are not meant to be caught up in the world’s traumas.

Be thankful and uplifted knowing beyond of a doubt that you are not alone in these treacherous and lecherous times of perversity, vanity, and insanity. My Spirit is with you at all times to direct you in the way that is My way, the narrow path that leads to eternal life with Me and not the devil, for I have not called you to become wasted and lost all over again; I have called you to keep steadily looking unto Me as the One you love. Know that there is none who can do harm to you, because you are hidden with Christ in Me, for I am the One who loves you and guides you forth by a plain path.

Keeping My intentions for you in mind is up to you, so that you continue to choose the way that is goodness, mercy, and miracles. Therefore, be all the more thankful that through Me you are amply provided for because I am the One who is able to give to you such as you need each and every day. More than anything, I intend for you to be kept and ever purposed in the intentions that I have for your lives.

Remember that you are on an earthly pilgrimage and that this life will merge into the afterlife and you will not be filled with misery if you have obeyed the Holy Spirit in your walk with Me. It is indeed a good thing to see that I am the One who is well able, and I do always give to those who remain true to Me such as they need. In these times, many of those who claim to be Mine are not trusting Me. They are allowing themselves to be caught up in the schemes and dreams of delusional and demon-driven leaders.

I absolutely do not want My people to be ensnared and entangled in the ways of the world and devoured in the lies of demonic powers that are rampaging, ranting, and destroying any and all who come under them. As My people, you are to keep yourselves in the purity and holiness that I desire for My people to live and walk in. The highway of holiness is set before you because I am the God who is holy and far above all earthly powers of men, women, tribes, and nations.

While these may believe themselves to be in possession of great and invincible powers, they are completely deluded because they are demon possessed. Such as are so possessed do not want to be freed of the demons that control them because they refuse to face the reality of their mere humanness. Instead, they want to believe, as did Eve in the Garden of Eden, that they are gods and have powers equal to Mine.

Some even go so far in their madness that they deny that I exist, and they think they are the divine rulers who are destined to rule the entire world. This is madness that comes from believing the lying demons to the extent that all realities become faded and the adherents to such lies end in the miseries of their own making, including hell forever.

Be thankful this day that you are not to be worried nor taken into weariness that will only cause you to become worn and wasted. Rather, you are to be uplifted and renewed each day as you understand that you are Mine and I am the One who gives you strength, hope, trust, and faith in Me.

Know that you will not be found among the damned, as you continually look to Me as the One you want to please. Follow each day in the steps of Jesus, My Son, and know that as you do, the times will not rule over you in the cruelty that so many are in. This is because you will be choosing to not be losing, rather being the victors and not the victims in this earthly journey.