I speak unto you this day and I say that it is Me the Living God who gives gifts unto My people who are in unity with the mind of My Spirit. I do not want My people to be estranged from Me and walking in the way that is selfish, whereby they want to use the gifts freely given for personal gain. Yet, sad to say, many start out right and end up wrong because they take the glory to themselves for the mighty works that are done through My power.
Be assured that I do not want them to be taking the glory to themselves, nor promoting their own names as though they are something to behold because they are making gain and fame off of the gifts given freely to them. Inasmuch as I give gifts to men, women, and children, I expect them to use such gifts for the promotion of My purposes, not their own.
If you consider the ministry of My Son, Jesus Christ, He did not exalt Himself or seek to gain the recognition for any of the miraculous works that transpired. Instead, He was very careful about giving the glory unto Me because He realized that He was not meant to build up His own kingdom. Rather, He was to build up My kingdom and give the glory unto Me.
So it is that those who understand the way of Jesus will do the same, that is, they will be faithful to give the glory to Me and not try to build works in their own names in order to make gain and fame. Be aware that those who are true to Me, My Son, and the Holy Spirit direction will be in the right order and will not exalt themselves as though they are something that they are not.
Be aware that when you have been called and chosen, you are highly accountable and must be responsible regarding the gifts you have received. This in mind, do not be afraid of My gifts; rather pray for the same to be shown forth in your lives. When you are gifted by Me, those gifts are given that others would be uplifted and gain a clearer vision of My kingdom and the mercies contained therein. If you consider that I draw people through the display of the miracles, the power, and the glory that are found in My kingdom, I am literally bringing a foretaste of My kingdom to earth. This is so that many will believe in My Son as they proclaim His deity and His sonship.
There are many who are covered in false religions, and they will acknowledge that Jesus was a good man and possibly a prophet, but they refuse to see Him as My Son. In fact, they will become quite angry over the fact that He is born of incorruptible seed and was divinely conceived. Some who are steeped in religion will refer to Him as a bastard and demand that none worship Him, for He is unclean. However, all of these who declare such misconceptions are needy themselves of coming to Jesus as their Savior and Lord.
When any receives Jesus for who He is, they will have their eyes opened and their ears unstopped. Then they will likewise be held in contempt by the ones they were once a part of. In many instances, those who have been converted will find themselves the victims of vicious and murderous hatred by those they once loved and lived with or were friends with. Such persecutions will drive the new converts deeper into relationship, or they will give up and turn back to religion, only to find that they are hated because they confessed Jesus as their Redeemer.
Be glad even this day that you can learn to endure persecutions and count the same as a privilege because you have chosen identity with My Son Jesus. I absolutely do not want you to go down under the attempts of the enemy forces to devastate you. Rather, I want you to go onward and be willing to exhibit the very gifts I have given to you.
Be glad that you can see Me as your true Father, for I am indeed the One who cares for your souls more than any earthly relative could ever care for you. Recognize that you are meant to continue in your calling, and know that you will be strengthened to declare the gospel with the signs, which are My gifts, following.
Rejoice that each day you are given the privilege to bear witness of the saving power of Jesus to the lost, the dying, the sick, the feeble, the hopeless and the helpless who are needy of redemption. Never do I intend for My messengers to be sidetracked and led astray by the demonic powers of pride. I want them to continue to obey the commands of My Spirit and be ever present and ready to be active and aggressive in their Christian faith.
The ones who are true disciples will strive to keep the unity of faith with other true believers. However, they will not play compromising games with the foolish who are full of their own imaginations and deceptions which cause them to have many sorrows, for such ones are not true to Me.
Be glad that as you are tested and tried, you are to see that the same will prove to be the purification of your souls and will bring you forth stronger in Me. Let the enemies curse and see Me bless as you remain in identity with My Son and My kingdom. It is Me the Living God who wants you to remain steadfast and unmovable, always abounding in all that I require of you.
As you are attentive to the commands of My Spirit, the enemies will never be enabled to cause you sorrow and grief, because you will be uplifted above them. In fact, I will make them your footstools as you remain ever abiding in the presence of My Spirit and declaring the deity of My Son Jesus Christ. Be assured that the gifts you have will be multiplied as you are in obedience.