I speak unto you this day and I say: I want you to have expectations for the coming year in reference to souls. That is, I don’t want you to look only to see those things that obviously benefit you as My people, but I want you to look to see souls restored. It is important to Me that people would come into My fold and experience full restoration to Me as their Father.
There are multitudes who are lost and of course dying in the process. However, many of these are My sheep and lambs who have been scattered, tattered, and torn due to enemy assaults upon them. This does not mean that you are to look only for those you have known or see before you. This means that I am giving forth the global call for those sheep and lambs worldwide who have been deserted by false shepherds. These cared nothing for their souls and deserted the flocks when they faced troubles themselves.
Because of the loss of the true meaning of shepherding, there are many who are hirelings. They do not guard, protect, or even care about My people. They do not see that they are responsible to keep My people; they only see that they can make gain off those who are Mine and use them to their advantage. When that changes, then these hirelings will abandon those they were “caring for” and leave them to the elements.
Unfortunately, many have been slaughtered by the dangers that were all around, and they were left to fend for themselves. Inasmuch as I care for My people, I am sending forth the call for the ones who remain, as I am desiring them to be restored and not destroyed. Those who will hear the call to return to Me, I will accept and I will nourish them with the truth. They shall be cleansed of the filthiness and the vexation that has sullied their souls, and they will experience the joy of coming home.
Be aware that during the times coming you will see that I the Living God will deal severely with the insane and despotic leaders throughout the world who are building on sand. The kingdoms they imagined they would hold in possession forever will collapse, and there will be ruination all around the world.
However, I am calling for people to come into Me through My Son Jesus as their Savior and Lord. He is the Great Shepherd and He will not desert or abandon the sheep and lambs, for He is the Shepherd that I have ordained to gather by His presence and through His disciples multitudes of souls into the fold.
The times ahead are going to represent My will and not the will of men and women who are full of deceits, dragging others under same coverings of lies, pretension, hypocrisy and insanity. Never have I intended for souls to perish, yet those who are exceedingly wicked will perish and they will be damned. The leaders who have chosen to build their so-called great kingdoms will see their works crumble and collapse, and they will flee for their lives. There will be many uprisings, rebellious factions, revolts and upheavals throughout the earth.
Inasmuch as it is the time that I am bringing shaking and quaking, do not expect to see peace on earth. However, the ones who run into Me will find that I am indeed the Rock of refuge, the high tower of strength and safety. I will prove to be their fortress of freedom, wherein they will see that they are equipped with the nuclear anointing. They will replenish and then return to the battle in the spirit dimension. My true united believers will see that through Me there is nothing withheld that they have need of, and I am abundant to them even in times such as these.
Consider that I want to see the lost sheep and lambs restored, and therefore pray each day that My will be done and My kingdom will come forth to be made manifest. For the repentant, My kingdom is mercy. Likewise, it will be shown that for the rebellious there is great misery coming to them. They will be revealed in their iniquities, their trespasses, and their hatred towards Me. Do not be led into false human compassion when you see them in their miseries.
My justice is the only true justice in the earth. Many of those who are in control in the realms of carnal justice are wicked, cruel, and ever seeking for more power over those they have rule over. While they may put on a proud display of their so-called justice, they are unjust, wicked, and determined, as are the hireling shepherds, to make gain off of those they rule.
When people are claiming that they are so compassionate, so caring, so loving, beware. Usually, such ones have schemes in their minds to gain more and more from the ones they are supposed to “care for.” Their number-one priority is self, and that is who they love and want to please at all times.
Thank Me that you are set free and can continue to pray for others to likewise be freed from the forces of death that are over the land. This is My time. When the wicked imagine they have at last conquered, they will be crushed, for it is My time for the same. Be in the attitude of gratitude as you instruct the hungry, the forlorn, the lost in the ways of repentance revolution that they can be restored, not destroyed.
As they increase in faith and trust in Me, they will be stirred to hope because it is Me who bears rule over them. No longer are they under the domination of demons; they are now under the control of My Holy Spirit. They are not guided into a ditch; they are guided forth and well fed with the bread of heaven.