Refresh, Renew, and Restore

I speak unto you this day and I say that it is Me the Living God who can and will refresh, renew, and restore those who are truly Mine and believe in and have their confidence in Me. It is not My desire that My people be devoured in these days of madness. It is My intention that My people be brought forth in the waters of refreshing, that they be renewed in hope, and that they be restored in the sense that they receive what I give back to them that was in the enemies’ hands.

Therefore know that what I say that I will do, I do! I do not make promises to My people that I am unable to keep. No, I repeatedly give to them what they have need of in every circumstance and situation, and I cause them to be uplifted and rejoicing when I do bring to them the times of refreshing, renewing, and restoring. Be aware that I am who I say that I am. When My time comes, I do not withhold those things that I promise to the true, the faithful, the obedient who have kept Me as their first estate, the One they choose as their God.

There are many who claim that they love Me, but such ones are liars, for they are serving other gods and paying attention to such delusions while they are totally neglecting Me. How can a people claim that they love Me when they are in obedience to the commands and demands of demon spirits that only lead them into more and more darkness? Know that they are deceiving themselves, for I am not deceived.

The facts are that I know the ones who really love Me, and to them I give all that I have in store for them. The ones who are truly adhering to Me will not be made ashamed, for I am indeed the God who brings down the wicked and those who have sought to overthrow the righteousness. The wicked will not remain forever, for I am able to cause them to be destroyed, and there is no one who can stop My plan or My hand of wrath.

Therefore do not believe that there is no hope ahead for you because you are living in reprobate, repulsive, and rebellious times. Remember, for all that people in power do, I am the Almighty. Be thankful that you are not ruled by the times, nor are you ruled by the powers of men and women who imagine that they are invincible.

Have not I brought down powers in times past that were considered to be the most powerful on earth? I say that I have, and many of them are long forgotten and remembered no more, for I have brought them to ruination and devastation. Now, such ones are found in the eternal fires and torments of damnation, and they have no power at all, for they are not in control of anything or anybody.

Likewise, I have allowed and even delegated for lands to be destroyed because of the evil done by the inhabitants of the same. No power of men and nations lasts forever, and those who thought themselves to remain forever have repeatedly been proven to be utter and complete fools caught up in their folly.

Be glad even now that you do not need to live in sadness over the madness of this generation. Rather, you can be living in gladness and gratitude because you are not in desolation nor isolation from Me. Be knowing of a surety that I have given you My Holy Spirit, and the Spirit abides in you and with you. This being, you are never alone but can always know the comfort of My Spirit and be all the more uplifted and strengthened in the abundant mercies I provide.

It is complete foolishness when you see the choices that so many make for misery rather than mercy. However, so many have yielded themselves to the carnal mind and the demon spirits who are in alliance with carnality. Inasmuch as these multitudes prefer the misery of carnality above the mercy of My Spirit mind, they are forever guided in the way that is death rather than life. They do not resist, refute, or rebuke the demons, but rather they give ear to such enchantments and seductions as are offered to them. In such, they act out those ugly deeds that are shameful and abominable before Me.

Consider what a privilege you have to know that you are enabled by My Spirit to receive the things that I have in preparation for you. As you see My promise to refresh, renew, and restore you, do not let unbelief rob you of My goodness intended. Remember that unbelief is considered evil, and it is. Therefore, if such foul spirits attempt to devastate you, you do not need to give in to them. Shake such vermin off of you and go onward in hope and confidence in Me as your Maker, your Keeper, and your God.

There are good times coming, and I do not want the faithful to be trampled by the ugly hordes of demons sent out to destroy and devour. You are not meant to be the serpent’s meat; you are meant to live long and bear much fruit for My kingdom. Therefore arm yourselves with the truth and use the sword of the Spirit and do warfare in the spirit dimension against every vile, foul, and undermining demon force that wants you dead.

You are not meant to be among the casualties; you are meant to be in the great force of conquerors who will see Me arise and the enemies scattered. Remember that I am the Almighty and My kingdom remains forever. Know the joy that comes of living in My kingdom rather than dying in the kingdoms of the world. The world does not own or rule you. I bear rule over you, and My rule is just.