I speak unto you this day and I ask you: What do you want to be in these wicked and perverse times? There are multitudes who are literally workers of worldliness, and in the same they are bringing about destruction and devastation. Then there are some who are workers of godliness, who are moving according to My standard and dictate, and by the same they are bringing forth life and truth.
It is not My intention that those who are claiming to be Mine would pursue the course of worldliness and by the same be contributing to the ugliness of the times. I intend that people would do as I desire and require, in order to bring forth the way that I intend for all who will pay heed to Me and come forth ever rejoicing for the newness of life I give through Jesus Christ.
If you really stop and consider how wicked and perverse the world is in these times, it is sad to behold. Nations have gone a whoring from Me and are still assuming that they will be blessed and prospered. People are living in luxuries they cannot afford and wasting in the same. They are living under the false assumption that they are gaining, and all the while they are losing and going deeper into a hole from which they cannot escape.
As they are following after confusion because they are living according to the world’s ways, they are living in delusion and imagining that they can buy their way out of the pit they are in, and they cannot. Over and over, they are following demons rather than My Spirit, and in the same, they are sinking and knowing the same is their demise.
Yet, because they are covered in worldliness, they cannot come forth in the godliness that they are intended to walk in. Likewise, they have grown accustomed to the world’s ways and forgotten My way. No longer are they to be found under blessing. Instead, they are found under cursing and are taken into iniquity by the same. Because of the demonic coverings they have yielded unto, they no longer are able to come forth in the light. Instead, they are trapped in darkness.
I want My people to accept the humility way and to come forth knowing that the same is given to them to uplift them and guide them in the pattern of My Son, Jesus. Remember, Jesus did not follow His own desires; He followed My desire and intention for His earthly journey. In so choosing, He fulfilled the mission He was sent to accomplish, and was obedient in every aspect of the same.
Therefore, do not think it a strange thing when I call you to obedience and godliness, for that is My desire for My people. As those who are loving Me and coming forth in the truth, do not be deviated nor taken away from My purpose for your lives. Instead keep active in serving Me and proclaiming My kingdom to the lost, the dying, the perishing souls, both near and far.
You are not meant to look to build an earthly empire as so many have done and are using the Name of My Son Jesus in vain because their hearts are far from Me. I do not find pleasure in those who have committed spiritual adultery and do not repent of the same because they have come under the covering of the world rather than My covering.
Be glad even now that you do not need to follow them in their folly. Rather, you can follow My Spirit and be kept in the place that I have intended for you to walk in and be kept. This day, be glad and not sad, for even if all men speak evil against you, remember that what matters is My opinion of you.
Therefore, be doing what I want you to do and not what you want to do. Those who are wanting their own ways are wanting the broad way which leads to destruction, desolation, and death. Do not think that I want you dead. No, I want you alive and active in Me and proclaiming the kingdom that remains to all generations.
The enemy loves to cause you distress and despair, whereby you think of death as the only way out of the pit you are in. The only way out of the pit is not through compliance with the enemy agenda. Rather, the way out is to bombard the enemy and command the demons out in the Name of Jesus Christ, whose Name is above every other name.
Be thankful that you do not need to go under and be swayed out of My way and devastated and destroyed. Instead, you can rejoice to know that through the application of spiritual warfare, you can overcome the enemies and cast them out. Stop and consider: you do not need counseling, you do not need advice; you need Jesus, the only One who has been given the power that is yours through inheritance.
Therefore, this day, refuse to enter into dialogue with demons, but let your attention be upon Me, for I reign supreme. Thank Me that there is no god you can serve other than Me, and that I am the One who gives to you eternal life and uplifts you to see that My way is the way of the redeemed. I do not want you to be defeated, discouraged, and depressed. I want you to realize that you must take your advice from Me and by the same be brought forth in the Way Victorious that I have for you.
Be aware that many of those who are “victimized” love it so because then they can gain attention from the same. Do not look for pity; look for the way that I show you and come forth in that way, because you are meant to be workers for godliness, not worldliness. Be victors, not victims!