Too Conceited Means Lessons Repeated

I speak unto you this day and I say that I do not desire My people to be too proud to receive godly instruction and to be made wise by the same. It is sad to Me when My people are conceited and living in imagination as to how great they are. When they are in such a mindset, then they must repeat the same lessons over and over.

Why it is that people choose to believe their proud flesh rather than Me, I do not really understand. However, it is My desire to see them learn what I have for them, that they know that in themselves they can literally do nothing and that I am their all-in-all. The more that people will humble themselves unto Me and walk uprightly in My way as they are directed by the Holy Spirit, the more they will appreciate the mercy I have had upon them.

So many times in this earthly journey, people create their own miseries because they imagine repeatedly that they know more than they know. However, when they are humbled, then they can see the necessity of being subject to Me in all things and coming forth rejoicing in the wondrous way that I provide for them.

You are living in times when people are vainly caught up in their own understanding and imagining that they know more than they know. However, the reality is that they cannot trust Me because they are too busy believing the lies of the demons that motivate their own carnality and puff them up on pride.

I do not want My people to be caught up in such madness and by the same taken in the way of profanity, perversity, and insanity. It is My desire that My people would be separated and consecrated unto Me, not feeding off of the world’s table that is full of vomit from drunkenness. Rather, I desire that My people would eat of Me and be satisfied and filled with the goodness that I have for them.

Stop and look at the condition of those who are full of the world in these times: They are dull, dumb, and absorbed in the stupidity of idolatry. I absolutely do not find pleasure in those who are absorbed in idolatry; rather, I find pleasure in those who are absorbed in Me. Therefore, make it your practice and your daily habit to seek My face and My counsel. It is godly wisdom that you need to provide you with all of the direction that you have need of in every circumstance and situation.

Be aware that I do not leave My people desolate, nor without guidance. Rather, I am ever present to show them My way and cause them to be uplifted as they gladly receive the instructions and commands of My Holy Spirit. It is senseless to repeat the same lessons over and over because of the contamination and abomination that pride brings.

Watch therefore and pray that you be not taken in the clutches of pride and conceit, believing and trusting in your own strength. If you have physical, emotional, or moral strength, realize that those things come of Me and that it is to Me that you are meant to give the glory as well as the thanks. Do not be as those who cave in easily to the whispering of demonic spirits that tell them how great they are.

If you are hearing voices that tell you just how great you are, realize that those entities do not come of Me. Refuse to accept the messages they bring, and rebuke, refute, and refuse them, for I do not want you to be absorbed in the foolery that comes of pride. Thank Me that as you will continue to walk humbly before Me, you will be guided forth by a plain path and given the hope that I alone can give. Those who have set their hope upon Me will not be made ashamed.

There is literally every reason to keep on learning and yearning for more and more of Me, and when it is Me that you desire, you will be able to humble yourselves and receive guidance, as I will give you the same. Therefore, stay ever attentive unto Me as the One that you love and want to obey as you are coming forth uplifted in the power of My Spirit.

Serve each day in the attitude of gratitude and be glad that you are not found in misery. Consider carefully the many mercies that I have given to you and by the same enabled you to continue steadfast in Me. When you really stop and ponder how wonderfully I have provided over and over for you, do not find any reason to complain, nor grow proud and angry.

Reality is that I am your source, and I will not withhold any good thing from you. Over and over, I call My people to the way that I give, and I want them to walk in that way. It is senseless to walk afar off from Me and go in the way of fools. There are countless people who go in the way of fools and are taken into captivity by the same. They do not love Me, nor do they serve Me. They are too busy serving the lusts of their own carnality and the demonic powers who motivate the same.

Be glad even now that you can keep your first estate and know of a surety that I do not intend for you to be devoured and destroyed. Thank Me that you can humble yourselves each day and ask forgiveness, and I will hear you when you cry out to Me. If you have offended others, realize that I do not want you to continue in such a way. Rather, I want you to come forth and know that My way is perfect and that I lead you forth in the same. Do not deviate from Me, but come forth in Me, knowing that I give mercy to the humble who learn their lessons.