Cringing Cowards or Courageous Christians?

I speak unto you this day and I ask you: What will you be? Do you choose to be courageous Christians or cringing cowards? Realize that the devil and his demons want you to be under the covering of fear, whereby you are not able to move with My Spirit because your hearts and minds are full of fear.

That absolutely is not My intention for you, because I have called you to be strong and very courageous and to be conquerors, not conquered by enemy forces. Keeping this in mind, do not withdraw into a shell whereby you imagine that you will be kept. You will not be kept in a shell; you will be kept when you obey the commands of My Spirit and come forth in the same.

I do not want you to be engulfed and overwhelmed. I want you to pay heed to Me and to walk uprightly in the way that I intend and ordain. Therefore, stay attentive unto Me and partake continually of the blessedness that I alone can give to you, for I am your source, your strength, and your safety.

There are multitudes who claim they love Me, yet when the least opposition comes at them, they quickly turn away and act as the world in order to avoid persecution. I absolutely do not find pleasure in such ones, because they are stupid in all that they do.

Be glad even this day that you can look to Me as the One you love and want to please, and that it is more important to please Me than to try to keep your own lives. Those who are attempting to keep their own lives will literally lose the life they could have had in Me. I do not call My people to be “self-sufficient.” I call My true ones to find their sufficiency in Me.

Keep in mind that as you keep your vision single in every circumstance and situation, you will find that I am able to provide, protect, and preserve you in every circumstance and situation. When My people are keeping their vision single, they see repeatedly that they can be full of courage because I am the One who can and will provide them with the strength that they have need of.

Those who are looking unto Me and obeying the commands of My Spirit will be kept because I am the One who is higher than all of the demonic forces that have been unleashed upon the land during these terrifying times. As you see that I can keep you and cause you to be courageous Christians rather than cringing cowards, you will rejoice to know and see for yourselves that your sufficiency is of Me and not of yourselves.

Therefore, do not hesitate to give Me thanks and praise at all times, because I do not leave you unbelieving and hopeless because you have yielded to fear. Rather, you can keep on calling unto Me and knowing that I will lead you forth by a plain path and cause you to be ever uplifted and guided in the truth that I provide.

Be alert to the fact that in yourselves there is not the strength, nor the courage, but through Me you are given all that you need. Likewise, it is Me who will give you the ability to walk uprightly and to be kept despite every circumstance and situation that comes along. This is because you are keeping your desire on Me rather than the things of this wicked world. More often than not, those who fall away do so because they get eyes full of adultery and pursue the course that will end them in destitution and desolation of soul.

If you stop and consider the hopelessness, homelessness, and mindlessness that are rampant in this land, it is because multitudes of those who claimed to love Me have chosen to love the world more than Me. Then I raise My hand against them, and they are still locked into the stubbornness and pride that make them trust in themselves rather than Me.

Know of a surety that you are meant to keep trusting in Me and not allowing your old carnal nature to rise up and take the glory for what I do. You are meant to keep your vision single unto Me and know beyond a doubt that I am the One who is indeed well able.

I do not withhold any good thing from you as you are walking uprightly in Me. This is because I love to see My people emboldened in courage and standing for the truth rather than behaving as cringing cowards, hiding in caves of darkness.

As I have said, and I will repeat it, stay ever ready to be offered unto Me, that is, by realizing that as you are in right standing, the same will cause you to be courageous. This is because I am the source of all strength, courage, and boldness that you need.

More and more, as people are crushed down, they become cringing cowards and unable to believe. However, as you are purposing yourselves daily for My purpose, you will not be left in desolation or destitution of soul. You will be uplifted, strengthened, and guided forth by a plain path wherein you will find My peace.

Rejoice today that as the world grows darker because of the backsliding of My people, you who keep your first estate can come forth knowing that in Me there is light, love and life. Do not look for any other way, nor any other god, for such are deception. Keep looking to Me as the One who guides you forth by a plain path and uplifts you continually to know that I am indeed the One who bears rule over you.

Why not spend your time on this earth as courageous Christians rather than cringing cowards who are attempting to keep their own lives? The more you are yielded to Me, the more you will see that I am your Keeper.