I speak unto you this day and I say: Hearken to My words, for they are true, and when you will regard what I tell you with respect and obedience, you will see that I will always protect, provide, and preserve you. My people are meant to be kept as they keep themselves in Me. It is not intended that My people would perish in their sins; it is My intention that they would walk uprightly in Me, adhering to the commands and directives of My Spirit.
When you consider how many there are upon this earth who listen to demonic spirits and obey the commands of the same, it is truly a sad state of affairs, because they go a whoring after darkness, iniquity and foolery. Know of a surety that I do not want My people to be taken down in the corruption that is so rampant in these times—corrupt leaders, corrupt politicians, corrupt and rotten so-called Christians who imagine that I go along with their sins and actually accept and approve such crimes against My righteous standard.
Be knowing of a surety that I do not find pleasure in those who are intent on pursuing the course of destruction, death and damnation. Before Me, such ones are utter fools because they are refusing to adhere to My words, because they are loving themselves more than they love Me. Then, as they forsake My way, they end in the way that secures them a place in hell.
Do not fall for the seductions and enticements that the enemies use to get you away from My protection, provision, and preservation of your lives. Resist the enemy tactics and be alert to the commands of My Spirit that are given to lead, guide, and direct you in the way that is all truth.
There are so many who are easily seduced and fall away, and some never return to Me. Then they want to declare that it is just too hard to live the life and follow in the steps of My Son Jesus. However, know that the excuses they use to have their own way are stupid and dumb before Me, and I absolutely do not accept their crafty and clever attempts to justify their rebellion.
Be serving Me in these times of turmoil, trouble and terror with the attitude of gratitude because you do not need to live in the fears that are terrorizing the multitudes and causing them emotional and physical upheavals and torments. Because I have promised My true ones My covering, know how important it is that you stay under that covering both day and night.
While I take the time to plead with those who are stubborn and proud, the time comes when I punish them for their continual rebellion and their stiff-necked pride. Suddenly, I can turn My wrath, fury, and indignation against any person, people, tribe or nation, and bring upon them that which they do not expect will ever happen to them. This is because they have ears but they refuse to hear, they have eyes but they close the same, preferring to live in their own delusions and imaginations.
When the shock of what I am sending actually registers, there will be some out of the multitudes who will adhere to Me and come forth in genuine repentance and obedience. Of course, I will give them forgiveness as was shown in the parable of the prodigal son, yet they will never achieve to the level I had originally intended for them.
Be aware that sin brings death, and when people are rescued from the clutches of sin and spared from the death of the same, they will still carry the scars of their sins and transgressions against Me. Never do I leave them if they stay true to Me. However, if they believe they can return to the filthiness of sin and I am approving of the same, know that they are living in deception and delusion.
Be thankful this day that you can be kept from the clutches and the imprisonment of sin and brought forth, ever made glad that it is under My covering that you have peace while the whole world is embroiled in wars and rumors of wars.
Why is it that people are so charged for wars and the violence, rape, murder and plunder that accompany war in these times? It is because pride and arrogance against Me are a plague for which the only cure is humility. Of course, to the proud and arrogant, the very thoughts of repentance and humility before Me are repulsive. So, the troubles and terrors continue, and vast multitudes are kept in the captivity of fear of every suggestion that comes along.
There is no peace to the wicked! Those who continue in wickedness will never know of My peace which passes understanding. Instead, they will live in perpetual torments and the agonies of the damned. Consider that while they may put on an outward display of glistening pride and assurance, in the depths of their beings they live in continual unrest, torment, and fear. So, what do they gain in their indulgence in wickedness? Nothing at all!
Those who keep steady in Me are guided in the way that is eternal life, and they are given My mercies rather than the miseries that are the cup of the wicked. My true people will know that what really matters is not their carnality, but rather that they are in right standing with Me and faithful to their vows and commitments to Me.
They will be understanding that in Me is found the realms of glorious provision of spiritual treasures that are found nowhere in all of the kingdoms of men with their riches and so-called treasures. The true treasures are given to the ones who remain in Me.