I speak unto you this day and I say: Be thankful and rejoicing that I am your everlasting fortress, the one you can run into and be kept from the repeated enemy onslaughts that want to see you dead and destroyed. How blessed you are to know Me as the One you can look to each day and believe in, for I am with you and do not forsake the ones who remain true to Me.
In these desperate times, be thankful that you can be desperately needy of Me and not the devices of evil that so many have made their idols, all for their own destruction. When you are faithful to express your need of Me, you will not be disappointed, for I hear you when you cry out to Me. Look at the ones who call to the wind because they are desperately seeking their idols and the same can do nothing for them. How desolate they are, and then they face hell in the end. Be thankful that you do not need to face hell. Rather, you can be kept and uplifted in Me, for I am the One who gives to you mercy and safety each and every day.
It is indeed a privilege to know that I am with you and I will protect and keep you in safety as you continue to be true and faithful to Me. Even when the enemies are encamped in proud array, I do not intend for you to live in the fear and dread of mere men, for I am your deliverer, your high tower, and your refuge. The more you are adhering to Me, the more you see that I do not forsake you when you need Me.
There are multitudes who claim that they love Me, yet they easily forsake Me to pursue the things that the enemy presents to them as what they need. You absolutely do not need the things of this world; you need Me, for I am the One who is your refuge, and I am the One who gives you satisfaction. Apart from Me, men, women, and children find no true and lasting satisfaction, for they are aspiring to fill themselves on the things that pass away and are remembered no more.
I do not want you to be living in fear of the wicked, of those forces that want to destroy My people. Rather, I want you to be living in the joy that comes when you set your hope and your vision upon Me. Remember, just as the sun arises and shines on the path, so do I shine My light on those who keep on the pathway that I have provided for them to walk in. Do not be overwhelmed by the darkness of these days; rather be content to walk in the way that I have for you and see Me prove to be your high tower of safety.
Far too many of those who are claiming they love Me are easily frightened by the enemy tactics that cause them to lose their love for Me. You are not intended to lose your love for Me; you are intended to walk continually in the faithfulness I desire in My own. When you are aspiring to be abiding in the everlasting fortress, you will find the abundance of My mercies ever present to keep you in the midst of every storm and difficulty that arises.
When My people face hard times and hard enemies, that is not the time to lose faith; that is the time to call out to Me as the One who will hear you and answer you by My goodness to My people. Those who will reiterate their trust in Me will find that, as they make confession of the same, their hearts will be encouraged, and they will find themselves enabled by the same. Do not think that you are to fold up and die away; rather consider that you are to pursue the course of My righteousness and know that I am your Keeper and your Creator.
You have not been created to be destroyed; you have been created to bear fruit in Me and to declare My kingdom. Thank Me that as you are proclaiming My kingdom, you are not left in the lurches. Rather, you are brought forth and enabled to see over and over how I am your everlasting fortress and the rock you can stand upon. Do not think that you must collapse under pressure when you have been given everything that you need to withstand enemy pressure and see Me prevail.
Actually, the more that My people are undergoing pressures, the more that they will see how important it is to keep steadily progressing in Me, because the enemies are defeated by those who keep believing, trusting, and obeying. Be thankful this day that you are made able by the wisdom I give to you, and that by that wisdom, you do not need to live in the fear of the wicked, but you can come forth as the righteous and shown that I am indeed the great I AM, and that I do not fail to provide for you over and over.
Ask Me to show to you through the Spirit the many small things that I do for you each day and how I undergird you with the strength that you have need of. Remember, I do not leave you to flounder; I bring you forth and cause you to know that I am the One who is with you at all times. Be knowing that you are not meant to give up in despair; you are meant to be encouraged and enlightened by the power of My Spirit each day.
In these times, there are countless multitudes who are lying hopeless and helpless in heaps on sidewalks, in ditches, on main streets and every place they can flop out in their rebellion and misery. Be serving in gratitude because I am ever present to give you exactly what you need and to keep you, as you are secure in Me as your everlasting fortress.
Consider that My power is above every power of men, women, governments and demons. Look not to those who are full of deceit; look to My Spirit to lead, guide, and direct you into all truth. I am your everlasting fortress.