I speak unto you this day and I say: Consider the choices that people make regarding their eternal placements. The tragedy is that they choose those things that are in opposition to Me and consequently they are ensuring their eternal placement in hell. Those who make their choices for hell far outnumber those who choose for heaven.
As My true people, I do not want you to sit idly by and watch the endless multitudes who are driven by demons and are choosing hell without even considering the choices they are making. Because of a lack of insight into the fact that there is a need to choose Jesus and find placement in the heavenly dimensions I have for those who do, they let themselves be duped into the placement of hell forever.
You are My messengers, and you are meant to declare the necessity for people to wake up and realize that there is much ahead of them that ensures them their destiny in hell. Be bold to give them the information that they need so that they will not be found in the desperation and desolation that will cause them suffering in this life.
In these times of carelessness and carefree living, I do not want to see people damned, yet they are, because of the sins they indulge themselves in and will continue to pursue out of blindness. Be aware that if there are souls you are intended to testify to, then do so without concern for yourselves, because they need to hear the truth. When people get the true witness and the declaration of My kingdom, they are meant to find their fulfillment in the acceptance of the truth that salvation is found through Jesus.
Be thankful that you can help in the labors of My kingdom by declaring to people their desperate need of Me as the One who has given My Son Jesus for the salvation of their souls. Likewise, do not neglect to direct them in the way of My Spirit to cover their minds rather than the demon spirits which only blind them and give them placement in hell.
It is truly a horrid thing to end in hell, and I desire for you to notify the multitudes as I direct, that they be not taken in the ravages of hell and find that they cannot escape their placement, as the same is permanent and not to be escaped.
More than anything, I want to see people turn from their sins and not be blindly led along by demon spirits. My intention is that people would choose to live totally for Me and be instructed in the way that is prepared for them to find placement in. Those who are going forth in the mercies will rejoice that their eyes are opened, and they are no longer the dupes of the devil. Instead, they are redeemed and given light and sight to understand that they have escaped the placement that could have put them in total darkness, which was the intention of the demons who once ruled them.
Open your eyes, and as you look at the people who are bound in the iniquities and the troubles that beset them, realize how sad it is that they are blinded by the god of this world. Most of them will never come out from under the auspices of the demon forces that want as many people as can be secured and taken captive to find their placement in hell.
Inasmuch as these are evil times and evil men and women are in control, do not be believing in them in any way whatsoever. Rather keep your vision single and know that in order to endure and ensure your own placement in heaven you must not deviate in these twisted times.
Quite obviously, there are many who think that they can go off into all manner of sins and transgressions and they are still alright with Me. They are not alright. They are everything but that. More and more, as the evil wax bolder and bolder in their blatant exhibition of their intentions and their sins, so are you to grow bolder in your commitment and declaration of Me.
Do not be deceived. I am not mocked, and I do make the way for all who want their placement to be in My kingdom. Those who imagine that they can get by are doing so to their own devastation and desolation of soul, they by their own choices and actions are going after emptiness and futility. It is a tragic to see them choose for death rather than life and to know that their sins will mock them in hell.
While people do not want to hear the truth, I will continue to have My true believers who are not afraid to declare that it is Me that they serve and follow after with all of their hearts. When people get a true witness, then they are enabled to see that My kingdom is real that those who cleave to the same are indeed enabled to rejoice in Jesus.
Realize that if you have been given the mercies of forgiveness, then your placement here on earth is to be true witnesses and partake of the righteousness that I provide for you. Indeed, it is a privilege to have the opportunity to have your placement in My kingdom and to live your lives for a purpose that matters and can affect others to do likewise. Do not take lightly the opportunity that you have been given to come forth and be uplifted each day because of your placement in My kingdom.
Those who have known Me and then find themselves misplaced will suffer acutely for the same because they did not choose for Me. They chose for death and were destroyed by the same. Be glad that more than anything you can go onward in the way of privileged placement and rejoice that I am the source of life and love given to you.