Believers Who Are Receivers

I speak unto you this day and I say: Determine to be believers who are receivers of My promises. Far too many are content to be doubters who end up as pouters because they are failing to stay steadfast in their trust in Me. I do not want My people to be wavering and double minded. No, I want My people to be faithful and true, ever hoping in Me as the One they are intended to believe.

In these times, many dark and angry clouds are looming on the horizon, and it appears as though more turbulent times are ahead. However, I do not want you to be perplexed by the times. I want you to be uplifted and brought forth in the purposes that I have for you so that you can partake continually and receive both the promises and the plans that I have for you.

Inasmuch as I am your Maker and your Keeper, I desire that you would keep your trust and your vision steadily on Me. There are multitudes who surrender to the waves of fear, doubt and unbelief that come upon them daily. When they do that, then they become accusers because they are allowing unbelief to grab hold of them and take them under. I do not want you to go under such spirits as would want to rob you of your faith and trust in Me and turn you aside from Me.

Be confident that as you are trusting yourselves to Me, you will see repeatedly that I will always make the way for you because I am the One who is indeed well able. It gives Me pleasure to purpose My people in the way that is upright. When I made men and women in the beginning, I made them upright. However, they sought out many inventions that I did not have for them. Because they chose to follow those demonic powers that enticed them away from Me, they became more and more sinful and behaved in ways that were vile in My sight.

You are not meant to pursue such a course and end in degradation and damnation. You are meant to keep on believing in and receiving of Me. Actually, I desire for My people to be increasing in their trust in Me as they see the results that come to them as they remain faithfully believing Me. It is not intended that My people would be the doubters who are pouters and wanting to blame Me.

When anybody sets their hearts to be suspicious and accusatory towards Me, they will basically end in the mire of unbelief because they are choosing the same. Then they sink lower and lower in the mire they are in, and go down into a place of death rather than choosing to believe and come up higher in Me because they are privileged to see what I do for them.

This day, make it your goal to keep on believing and receiving of Me, and you will see your faith soar because I do not lie. Keep in mind that it is the devil and his demons who are the liars, and they will continually lie in order to deceive and cause many troubles to the ones who are deceived. You are not intended to go in the way of deception; you are intended to come forth in the way of truth and to stand for the truth.

It is a privilege to look unto Me as the One True God who remains eternal and who does care and provide for the ones who are hoping in Me and knowing that I alone am well able to give to them such as they need in every circumstance and situation. The ones who will stand at all times on the side of truth will see that I will cause them much joy, for they are aligned with Me, My Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Seriously, no one can control your spirit if you keep your hearts stayed upon Me. The more that your faith, hope and confidence are ever upon Me, the more you will be led forth and given light upon the path. There is no denying that these are dark and ugly times when the wicked have spread themselves out in proud array, with total contempt for the righteous. However, remember that they cannot control you, because you can find your refuge in Me.

Never do I depart from the ones who will walk uprightly in Me and keep themselves from the crafty inventions of wickedness that devastate and destroy. When you are keeping yourselves in moral integrity, you will of course know that it is Me you must believe and trust each day, for I am the source of life to you.

As I have promised, those who will walk uprightly in Me will not lack for any good thing, for I will give to them exactly what they have need of at all times. I am not saying that you will glide through life on this earth with no problems or persecutions. I am saying that I will make a way for you even when it appears that there is no way. Be thankful even now that I do not lie to My people, and when you see the ones who have given themselves to unbelief, they are the ones who are bitter against Me.

Bitterness is a poisonous pit, and those who choose to put themselves into the same will be found suffering daily from the poison in the pit. Realize that you can choose to lose your life in Me by dwelling on those things that have happened to you in your journey with Me, or you can be thankful that I am the author and the finisher of your faith and that I absolutely do not withhold the abundance of mercies from you.

Be serving each day in the attitude of gratitude and be in the company of believers who by their trust in Me receive the answers to their prayers. It is good to know that I am the One who cares for you and is pleased as you are believing and receiving of Me.