I speak unto you this day and I would ask you: Are you concerned with yourselves more than Me? It is very important that you keep your eyes on Jesus, who is the pattern and the One you are meant to follow. Jesus lived a life of denial of self, inasmuch as He only did My will and not His own. Because of His obedience unto Me, He is the One who you are to look to as the way you want to be. That is, you are to keep your focus clearly upon Him, for with Him you are truly kept in the way that I do intend and provide.
Be glad that you do not need to be locked into the prison house of self where so many become bogged down in the cares of this life. As people are concentrating on their miseries, real or imagined, there is the demon power of self-pity waiting with open arms to welcome any and all who will come into those arms. Then, as those tentacles of the wicked one are wrapped around the person or persons, they whine and whine, and forget everything and everybody except themselves and their woes.
Such an existence is very limiting and dreadful, and those who think that they are all right in the same are totally deceived because of the fact that they are being encumbered and enslaved. They shut off joy in their lives because they are driven by demons to want others to bow to their miseries and pains.
I do not want My people ever to end in such a cave of collapse and relapse to the rule of the old nature, wherein the old self imagines itself to be ruler once again. In order to avoid the old nature from taking over in your life, keep yourselves focused upon Me. When it is Me that you focus upon, you will see clearly that I am good to you and that through Me you are enabled to bear whatever circumstance or situation that you are in, because My Spirit is ever present and ever available to you.
There are indeed multitudes in these times who have departed from Me, because they are under the oppression of demon forces that point them to look only at their own conditions and be concerned with the same. Such a focus is very prohibitive and does not allow for anyone to keep clear in such a situation. Their thoughts are muddled and troubled because they are not at peace with Me and are under continual vexation and harassing torments.
Those who are Mine are intended to be made perceptive of the demonic tactics and not fall prey to the same. As My people are resolutely resisting the enemy strategies and tactics and submitting themselves to Me, they will find that the enemies cannot control their minds and their actions.
It is through effort on the part of believers that they learn to keep their focus on Me, and My light will shine through them. When you see the ones who are really determined to go forward in Me, you will know and understand that I have many good things for those who choose to shine, not whine.
The more that people will praise Me out of a sincere heart, the more that the glow of My life will be evidenced in and through them. It is indeed a good thing to know and realize that I AM the One you are meant to look to and to live your lives for. Those who are living for themselves are dead in trespasses and sins. There is no future for them in My eternal kingdom, as they have lived for themselves here on earth and proved they are not worthy.
Choose to keep on shining and not whining, knowing that I am with you and that it is Me who gives you life, love and light. There are multitudes who need to choose life above death. However, because they do not want to put their efforts in the right direction, they offer excuses which they believe that I believe. Sad to say, they are the ones who are deceiving their own selves in what they choose, because their hearts are far from Me and I know that.
Be aware that when I point out the wrong choices that people make, it is so that you will realize that they bear the consequences of those choices throughout eternity. More often than not, people have strayed from Me and gone a whoring for the ugliness of the world. Consequently, they pay throughout eternity for their bad choices and their continual whining against Me. More and more, it is made evident that far too many are choosing to be dead in spirit and far from the truth.
You are privileged to choose for Me and not this present world, for this world is a death trap and becoming more so in these days. You are not meant to be a participant in the selfishness that seduces multitudes away from Me. You are meant to be a participant in the wondrous goodness of My kingdom and to shine forth in the midst of a sin-sick, dark and dreary world.
Be glad even this day that I am the One who is the author and the finisher, the beginning and the end, and I want My people to be praising Me at all times and in all circumstances and situations. When you are convinced that I am the God of goodness, you are not going to be hasty to go after the vanity of the world and be devoured by those things that want to destroy you and cause you death and damnation.
Know that it is a planned strategy when you see the growing army of those who are so engrossed in themselves and their own problems and lusts that they are literally dying in search of satisfaction for the same. How hideous is the horror that awaits those who have chosen to believe and receive the liar and his lies. So, rather than receive of Me as the One who wants them to live, they choose the devil and go in the way of uselessness and hopeless despair. Thank Me that you can shine because you are Mine!