Praise Power Is Amazing

I speak unto you this day and I say: When you truly will aspire to acquire praise power, you will be amazed at what the same will do for you. I do not want you to be left without the ability to give Me thanks and praise; I want you to make it your practice to give Me praise no matter how gloomy the world is as people are struggling under depression and despair.

It is absolutely not My intention that you would be going down under the pressures of the times. It is My intention that you would be giving Me thanks and praise each day because I am the One who does care for you and uplift you in the way that I do intend for you to walk in. I have not intended for you to be left empty; I have intended for you to be filled with the praise power that is amazing.

Some people look only at their circumstances and situations and grow gloomy under the same. I do not want you to grow gloomy; I want you to be uplifted and rejoicing that I give to you exactly what you have need of every single day. When you are exercising yourselves in praising Me, gloom cannot grab hold of you because that praise will uplift you above the clutches of demon spirits that want you dead.

The truth is that I inhabit the praises of My people, and when it is Me that you are praising, of course you will be brought forth rejoicing each and every day. Therefore, count it a privilege to be praising Me, for I am the One who has created you. Do not be giving way to the enemy forces that are ever lurking and attempting to lure anyone they can into their traps and snares of depression and despair. These demons will attempt to allure people by reports of the evil doings that are transpiring daily upon the earth.

When people are continually feeding off of the evil doings, they become depressed and discouraged by the same. Some give way to tremendous despair and believe there to be no future at all for them. In this line of thinking, they are overshadowed by demons who want to cause them sore distress and disillusionment with life. If the demonic powers persist, they will push the person or persons into suicide or violence, and by the same bring forth more troubles and sorrows.

The way out of such corners is to begin giving Me praise and to see the power of the same drive away demons. There is amazing power in praise, and those who will give Me praise will find themselves set free. Therefore, do not entertain demons. However, if they come in like a flood, begin to give Me abundance of praise and glorify Me with all of your strength, and you will find your strength renewed and you will be empowered to resist all powers of darkness that want to destroy.

Continue as a steadfast people who are seeing praise power made manifest in their lives and in the lives of others. Do not give way to the influence of demon powers that want you to succumb to darkness and be troubled by the same. Instead, when you feel pressured by such demonic powers, praise Me over and over, and such demons will flee because I am with you when you give praise. In fact, I live in the praises of My people.

Do not by any means take up the darkness of these times and find yourselves depressed by that darkness. Keep clear in your focus upon Me, and you will see that I am ever with you to uplift you and cause you to rejoice. The more that you abandon to praise, the more amazing things you will see. I am the God of miracles and I will do miracles for a people who are praising Me and glad to serve Me each day.

As you are coming forth made glad that I am your Master, your Maker and your King, then you are by the same shown that what I do for you each day is indeed miraculous and glorious. Truth is that by praising Me you are given new and fresh appreciation for the abundance of goodness that is intended for you. When you will take the time to consider what I have done and still do for you, you are going to be a people who are rejoicing because of the power that is present in and through giving praise.

My people are not meant to be complaining over every little thing. Rather, they are meant to be giving abundance of praise to Me, for I am the One who sets them free and causes them to be glad always. I do not find any pleasure in those who give themselves to complaining and murmuring over every little thing that does not go the way they want it to go. I do not want you to be busy about the business that is not yours. I want you to keep clear in your focus and to give yourselves over to praise and thanks and see the power made evident by the same.

Do not believe the liar who encamps outside, waiting to pounce on you and devour you. Instead, fill your camp with praises and you will see the amazing and miraculous power made clearly evident, and you will of course be in jubilation because of the amazing miracles you will behold.

Be looking for the good things every day and you will see so many things that are a display of My mercy and My goodness intended for you. The more that you abandon unto praise, the more that you are made clearly aware of My infinite mercies and how much I want you to have the same. Therefore, be glad to serve Me each day with all of your strength, and you will see that as you praise, your strength is increased and you are well able to endure the ups and downs of life with gladness because you praise Me!