
I speak unto you and I declare that when you are truly My people, you will endure the chastening that seems so painful in the present tense. However, when that chastisement is past, it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness. Be assured that those whom I love I chasten that they would learn obedience and be walking in the same each day, knowing that in that chastisement there is gain in Me.

Consider that I am your heavenly Father and My concern is for your eternal good, and I want you to be brought forth as sons and daughters who will follow in the way of My Son Jesus. Since Jesus learned obedience by the painful things He suffered, do not think that you are higher than your Master. Realize that if Jesus endured the chastening, so must you, that you can come forth bearing fruit unto righteousness, which is peaceable because you are in right standing with Me as your Creator.

There is no reason to abandon My way and to go in the way of the damned and suffer for nothing more than rebellion on your part. Think of the painful things that people suffer in this life, and it is all for nothing, because they are making choices against Me and My Son. Do not be as the foolish who are refusing to be corrected and guided forth in the way that My Spirit leads you, for that is the way that I provide.

When those who are claiming to be Mine jump ship and turn to be traitors, they are doing nothing but inviting to themselves their own damnation. I do not want you to be damned; I want you to endure the painful process of chastening that you by the same come to the direct understanding that My way is perfect and it is spotless and undefiled. Then, as you are quickened in My Spirit, you will become more than thankful for what it is that I do for you each day and that you are guided by My Spirit in the straight and narrow way that keeps you from the broad way.

There are endless multitudes who choose against Me and go after the broad way that is deception. In that way they choose one thing after another and find no satisfaction in their choices. I do not want them to go in such a way, but it is they who choose the course of their own destruction. When you see those who imagine that they can rebel against Me and get by, you can see that they are shortsighted fools. Be aware that there is none who gets by on Me, and those who are believing in their own cleverness are utterly foolish, for they do not get by.

The reality is that I send My Spirit throughout the earth, and so I am aware of the rebels and the ones who want to serve Me. Be fully aware that I am not mocked, and those who imagine they get by are absolute fools. Do not be as the fools who refuse to be chastened and by the same refuse My fatherhood over them. Be fully warned that I reject the rebellious who want to continue in their rebellion, and they are not allowed to enter into My kingdom, for I will not have unrepentant rebels in heaven.

Do not strive against Me. Rather, strive to please Me in all that you do. When you are walking uprightly in the way of the redeemed, then you are enabled to taste of the peaceable fruit of righteousness. Such fruit will be given to the ones who will endure chastening and accept the training that is being given to them, no matter how painful the same may be.

Even in this ungodly world, those who are striving to win whatever prize or prizes that they are trying to win, know that they must undergo training that is oftentimes strict, painful and rigid, yet they endure the same in order to be classified as winners and champions.

If the world’s people are willing to undergo such training, how much more should My people be willing to endure hardness and painful chastising in order to gain the right to enter in as sons and daughters! Be aware that the ones who will endure are the ones who will achieve and receive what I have intended for them.

The truth of life is simply this: Everyone will experience painful situations and circumstances in this earthly journey. For some, their lives on earth will be exceedingly painful, and they will gain nothing out of the same except more pain in hell because they choose in opposition to Me and want their own way.

When they get their way, they go on and on in deep rebellion and are accusing Me for their situations or circumstances. Of course, I am not to be blamed for the choices they make in order to have their own way. When anyone is choosing against Me, they are choosing that which will prove to be deadly unto them.

Do not choose for that which is deadly. Rather, choose for that which is My way and walk in the same, enduring the chastening that seems painful but yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness and causes you to be blessed by Me. Be ever thankful that you can indeed be partaking of that which I give to you, and glad to be redeemed.

Never let accusation against Me fester in your hearts and cause you to bring forth the fruit of bitterness and resentment. I do not want you to be in resentment; I want you to be in the joy that comes of obedience to My training and acceptance of the chastening you endure in the training I send you. Realize that you are aiming for the prize that is given when you accept My way and go through the training ever thankful that it is Me that you serve and not your old nature.