Spirit People on the Move

I speak to you this day and I say: These are the times that I am moving My Spirit people as it pleases Me. Of course, this refers to the physical localities as well as the spirit localities. Be aware that in these times I am going to display more and more My intention that My people would be alert and alive in the spirit and moving according to the commands of the Holy Spirit.

I am not looking for religious robots who are merely repeating religious phrases, songs and rituals, with no commitment to Me. I desire that My people would be in oneness of relationship with Me and by the same enabled to understand how much I desire My united believers to be in alliance with My Spirit and with each other.

I do not want for My people at this time to be quarreling and backbiting one another. I want My people to be in union and communion with one another because it is Me that they obey and desire to please. As people who are true believers are united, those small differences between them will not matter. This is because they will operate in the knowledge of the Spirit and not according to religious flesh. I desire that My people would be united believers, that is, one in the Spirit, and moving forward in one accord.

When you really consider the desperate situation that the world is in during these times, it is essentially important that My people would be Spirit vessels and not bogged down with religious traditions. So many people want to hold to religious traditions, because they are believing that the same offer them security. However, the real security is when believers are moving together in one mind and one accord with Me through My Holy Spirit.

These are times when the world is in the throes of global crisis, and this is because believers have stopped believing in Me and the power that comes when they obey My Spirit and walk uprightly in the same. Do not be assuming that to follow the Spirit makes you a fanatic, as some have falsely accused Spirit-filled believers. It is better to be abandoned to My Spirit in order to move with the same, than to be filled with the worldliness. Such worldliness has swept many believers away from Me and into the depths of sin. How foolish are those who flirt with the world and then are consumed by the same!

It is not foolishness to be consumed of Me. That is, as you yield yourselves in abandonment unto Me, you will see how important it is that My people unite not in false unity of religion, but in the true unity of the Spirit that is meant to be theirs in these times. Do not be as those who are dull and dumb because they have forsaken the spirit-filled life and taken up the way of fleshly lust and worldly addictions. Be alert to how demonic and deadly the forces are that are attempting to force people into a man-invented unity that will restrict them in their lives. Such a unity is brought forth under force, fear and mental bombardment, in an attempt to subjugate people into the ugliness of state-ism.

Be forewarned, when the state or any other force attempts to rule every area of people’s lives, the same is in opposition to Me. The goal of such forces is to convince people that they are the ultimate power and must be obeyed at all costs. The truth is that these forces are ever present to take people into delusion, confusion, and ensnare them in death camps spiritually, as they lose out with Me and are entangled in lies.

Be glad that you are not called to the confinements that the power hungry want to enclose you in and cause you to pay homage and worship the beast. As My united believers, be in alliance with other believers around the globe by the empowerment of My Spirit. Those who are truly My spirit people will not want to be in participation with the schemes of the wicked, for they will discern the same. Be serving Me in the attitude of gratitude that you are given the ability through My spirit to ascend into the realms of glory wherein I abide and to partake of the goodness that I will give unto you each day. Do not hesitate to call upon Me, for as you do, so will you see that I am indeed ever present and that I hear you when you cry out to Me.

No matter what your physical conditions may be, do not let the limitations of your physical bodies make you a prisoner of circumstances. Remember, as My spirit people you are given the ability to ascend into the realms where I am and to be unified and allied with those who are trusting in Me with all of their hearts.

Do not doubt, but believe and remain in alliance with Me, for I am the One who has chosen you for these times. Therefore, do not be wavering, nor doubled minded and therefore unstable. Rather, realize that you are intended to pursue the course that is set before you as united believers in alliance with Me and be thankful that this is the time of My Spirit’s moving upon people around the globe.

Those who limit Me are foolish, for they do not understand that there are no limitations in Me. Know of a surety that the more you believe and trust, the more that you will be used in My Spirit revolution that is soon to visit many peoples who are godless and hopeless. When you hear all of the bad news that is daily coming forth, know that you are to proclaim the good news and to see the light, the life, and the love come into those who were in darkness and captivity to sin.

As My Spirit people, give Me thanks!