War Hogs Gone to the Dogs

I speak unto you this day and I say that you are living in times when leaders have grown so distorted that they have become power hungry. In their pursuit for power, they are wanting to openly display how great they are, and they become war hogs. By this I mean that they are not satisfied, unless they can make threats that will scare the whole world and cause other nations to tremble in fearfulness and confusion.

I do not fill these leaders with My power. They are full of demonic powers which delude them and cause them to act out as conquering kings and queens. However, they are not kings and queens. They are simply people who are nothing special in themselves. They are simply vessels who have believed the lies of demon powers and are walking in the darkness of the same. They are believing themselves to be absolutely invincible and of incredible power and strength. However, they are not invincible. Rather, they are liable to be destroyed by the very demons they have permitted to control their lives and cause them such delusion as they are in.

Be aware that while these war hogs are strutting and boasting in their proud and arrogant displays, they are demonstrating their own stupidity, as they think they can defeat all other powers that are. However, they are not considering My nuclear power, which is caused by My people being gathered in one mind and one spirit and being willing to pray against them and their schemes of madness.

Know that I the Living God do see the madness that these fools yield to. I will tell you of a surety, that they will be devastated and destroyed by the very forces they think to use against My people in these times of absurdity and foolery.

When people live in delusion, I am able to penetrate the very bubbles of babble they put forth and cause the same to dissipate. Be aware that I can burst any bubble by one word from My mouth. Reality is that the point of the sword of My Spirit is very sharp and able to penetrate.

Be thankful that in these times of war hogs gone insane, you do not have to be fearful nor fretful over what the future may bring. Instead, you can be glad that I will give to you all that you need and cause you to be uplifted, rejoicing, and giving Me thanks and praise. When you are keeping your confidence in Me and desiring to see Me move, so shall it be that I will reveal Myself, and the nuclear spirit anointing will be evidenced. Do not be afraid of what the future holds. Rather, be alert to the fact that I reign supreme and I am far above all principalities and powers.

This is the time when so many peoples are trembling because of the threats of the war hogs. You are not intended to believe them. You are intended to believe Me and know that you are not to fear them, nor listen to their boisterous babble, nor pay heed to their ridiculous demonstrations of power and force. Realize that your lives are in My hands, and that is what is the most important thing. Whether you live or whether you die, you are Mine.

It is not if you are in your current body or absent from the same and in your glorified body. What matters is that you know that I keep you. The reality is that Jesus Christ My Son has conquered death and taken the sting out of the same. For when believers die, if they have maintained the righteous standard that I desire of them, they will be with Me in My heavenly abode along with other believers, who are gathered in the cloud of witnesses.

In reality, the devil cannot cause you to be miserable with the fear of death, for you are understanding that to be present with Me is more important than to be on earth. Therefore, you can walk in faith, confidence, and boldness in these times of unrest and upheaval, when the war hogs are exhibiting their madness and foolery to worldwide extent.

Keep on trusting that the nuclear spirit anointing can bring in My presence to such a degree that the demon forces will cry out in agony when they are approached by such a force. You are not intended to have pity on such forces. Rather, you are to rejoice to see how utterly helpless they really are to do anything that I prohibit.

Be thankful to Me as My true ones, that you are really in exciting times, for there is absolutely no good thing that I withhold from those who will walk uprightly in Me. You will be enabled to behold My miracle powers revealed time and again, and you will know that I am the healer, the source of strength and power to those who are steadfastly beholding Me in the beauty of My holiness, and knowing that there is none who is like unto Me.

Therefore, let it be Me that you will honor in all that you do, and that you believe, above all proud and rebellious war hogs who have gone to the dogs and are showing their insane lust for power and glory. Realize that you are not to worry about tomorrow or even the times thereafter. Your times are in My hands and you definitely belong to Me above and beyond all other power sources.

If My people band together in unity against the forces of evil, those forces will be shown up to be powerless against united believers. Know that the devil roams around as a devouring lion, but he is made toothless by the believers who will stand up against his roars and snarls. You are not meant to be devoured. You are meant to be empowered by the nuclear spirit anointing and to bring down the war hogs gone to the dogs!