Stronger than the Devil

Know of a surety that I am stronger than the devil and his demons, and you are not meant to cower and be afraid of them. The major weapon that the wicked forces use is fear, and fear is indeed stalking the land in these times. You are not called to go down under fear; you are called to realize that it is Me the Living God who has given to you the weapons of warfare whereby you do not need to be defeated.

I do not intend that those who are Mine would be subject to the powers of darkness and fall prey to the evil tactics whereby they seek to overwhelm them. When you truly consider how much I have done for you, why be afraid? It is Me the Living God who reached out to you when you were in total darkness and drew you by My Holy Spirit to My Son Jesus. He in turn extended mercy to you as you repented of the sins that held you in captivity and bondage. It is by forgiveness mercy that you have been granted the new life that you now live.

Do not ever forget that it is Me who is indeed well able and who will show you the abundance of goodness that I can provide for you always. When you are partaking of that which I give in the attitude of gratitude and not bowing to the tactics of the wicked, then you will be enabled to rejoice for the new life you live.

Remember that the enemies were defeated by Jesus on the cross as He fulfilled His obedience to Me. So it is, that by His mercies you can be made triumphant and victorious likewise, for you are born again of the same seed and have the potential to be victorious. As My people, you are meant to claim the dominion power that is your inheritance through Jesus your elder brother. He was and remains the first born of many brothers and sisters, and you are meant to be as He is because He made the way for those who would follow Him to be in victory and not defeated by darkness.

As My people, know that as you are to follow in His steps, you are filled by My Spirit and you are enabled to know the strength that is intended for you. It is a good thing to keep your focus, your vision, your hope ever upon what I do intend for you and provide you with each day.

Make it your resolution and your intention to resist the seduction and enticement to give in to fear and be devoured in the same, as so many are being destroyed by fear in these times. Realize that all demonic fear has torment, and you are not meant to live in torment. You are meant to live and rejoice in the power that has overcome the world and the devil and his demons, and by the same be enabled to give thanks and praise. When My people make use of the inheritance that has been left to them, they are by the same enabled to be united to that which is My purpose and plan. Be thankful that you are being daily guided by My Spirit and are not being made slaves to the tormentors in any way.

It is My intention that My people would realize that they have authority over the powers of evil and that such are not meant to be their companions that they fellowship with. Do not lend your ears to the devil. Rather, lend your ears to MY SPIRIT and be kept by the guidance that My Spirit will give to you each day and even in the darkest of nights.

Therefore, do not for one moment assume that your lives are to be subject to the dark powers. They are not. Your lives are meant to reflect the dominion authority that was given in the beginning and continues till this day. Consider that it is through Me that you are being shown that I am indeed the God who is the ALMIGHTY and I remain. The gods of men come and go and are ground down to powder and blown unto the wind, but I remain.

If you consider that there have been gods and goddesses of the invention of humans and demons, those gods and the nations they represented have been destroyed and are long forgotten. The only knowledge of them is surfaced when their relics are discovered. Civilizations (so called) have long been buried or cast into the seas or devastated by various means sent by Me through My wrath. When the relics are discovered, it proves of a surety that they could not keep themselves, nor could they remain standing against My wrath, fury and indignation.

Do not think that idol worshipers get by with their delusions and the confusion they have been taken into by demons, for such ones were created in the beginning for Me and by Me. No one has ever been created by Me to serve idols and live under the fear of the same. Those who choose to serve idols are in rebellion against Me and the purpose I have for them. Such are the ones who were of the tribes and nations long since destroyed.

Because of who I am, I do not plead with rebels forever, nor do I allow them to remain. I am more than able to do away with and utterly destroy such as have served false gods and taken on the practices motivated by demons. Inasmuch as I am the infinite, the endless, the One True God and there is none like unto Me, respect and honor Me at all times.

When the strength of who I am is really made evident to you, then you will not have desire for any other god, nor will you fear such delusional gods. Because you are Mine, remember that you have full dominion. However, it is up to you to exercise the power over all opposing forces and know that I AM STRONGER AS THE ALMIGHTY.