I speak unto you this day, My people, and I say that I desire that you would store your treasures in heavenly dimensions, and not in the storehouses of the world. If you truly realize how important it is that you accumulate those treasures in heaven rather than here on earth, then you will not be under the anguish that so many are in during these times.
There are endless multitudes who have treasures stored on earth, yet they have no treasures for eternity, and because of the same they are drastically without and cannot find nor see their way clearly to gain what I have intended.
Basically, they labor in vain for the things that pass away, and they do not labor for Me nor for My kingdom in any way whatsoever. Such as these are a grief and a shame to Me, for they have chosen the way that is wrong in My sight and by the same their labors are all for naught.
Those who are looking for the gain of this world without any preparation for the future are basically laboring for nothing whatsoever in terms of eternal treasure. It is foolishness to labor for the things that perish and not labor to gain the treasures that remain because they are My treasures.
I do not intend that My people would live defeated lives. I intend that My people would live victorious lives because it is Me that they look to and believe. When My people are living according to My standard and dictates, then they are able to come forth uplifted and guided in the way that is triumphant over the enemy forces that desire them dead. They are not subject to the lure of carnal riches and driven by the lust for the same. Instead, they are enabled to pursue the way that I have intended for them and to be strengthened in the same.
If you really consider the endless multitudes who are seeking for gain in this world, you will see that they are ever striving to gain satisfaction, only to be disappointed in the same. I do not call you to be disappointed. I call you to continue to pursue the course that I have set before you, the course that is My purpose and plan. Therefore, do not hesitate to keep steadily looking upward to the heavens, and not settling for the accumulation of carnal wealth that cannot be taken with you.
Realize that in carnal wealth there is really no satisfaction, for the same will not give the lasting satisfaction that can only be gained by those whose hearts are right with Me. The more that you are aspiring to keep your focus and your vision clear, the more you will understand that I am ever present to guide you forth by a plain path and to give to you exactly what you need. I do not under any circumstance withhold from the ones who are Mine, because I am well able to provide for them exactly what they need, when they need it. Therefore, keep clearly focused and ever trusting in Me, for I am the One who is indeed well able.
While multitudes strive to gain what they assume to be treasure on this earth, they make no preparation for eternity. In so doing they are not wise, for they are accumulating those things that make themselves wings and have no value in eternity. The treasures that are so precious that they spend their strength, their money to accumulate, can easily deteriorate and be of no value at all. So basically, they expend themselves for treasures that pass away and are nothing at all in time.
At the end of their lives, they must face the fact that they spent themselves for vanity and they have no treasure in heaven. These ones are losers, even if the world regarded them as winners, because their treasures are transitory and will easily pass away and be remembered no more. How many there are that I must say to them, “Depart, for I never knew you.” Consider how tragic it is to reach the end of one’s life and to face hell forever because of choices for vanity rather than sanity.
Do not take such a course, for the same is defeat. I call you to be accumulating the treasure of triumph whereby you are able to overcome the seductions and enticements that want you to go for vanity. It is indeed a wonderful thing to be able to be triumphant over those things that would want to beset you and take you down.
Realize that through Me you can be uplifted, guided, directed, and given the new life. Then, as you receive with gladness the instructions and directives of My Holy Spirit, you will be shown how important it is that you are triumphant over the world, the flesh, and the devil, whereby those things do not rule you. Likewise, you will understand that it is imperative that you obey the commands that the Spirit gives to you.
Realistically, it is more important to give than to receive, because as you do, then you are enabled to know that I make the way for you every day and that way is perfect. Because I am the God of great abundance, as you are giving of your substance under the commands of My Spirit, I can replenish you. Do not think that you gain by storing your treasures on earth. You do not. If you store your treasures in heaven, then those treasures are kept, and they will count when you stand before Me.
Know that it is My intention that you are to be victors rather than victims. Do not be taken down by the things that want to rob you of the treasure of triumph. Rather, be realizing that you are meant to be overcomers, not being taken down. Thank Me that through Me you can be enabled to survive and not succumb to the demonic invasions that are transpiring. Rather, you have great treasure in triumph through Me!