I speak to you this day and I say: Know that it is Me the Living God who does come to those who are needy of Me and express the same. It is My Spirit that is sent to comfort and give consolation to those who mourn. When you experience sorrows and sufferings, you are not alone. My Spirit is ever present to give to you the abundance of peace and mercy because of your neediness and your willingness to express the same.
Therefore, in this adulterous, decayed and dying generation, realize that there are multitudes who are so needy, yet they are too proud to admit and confess the same. Because of not only their sins, but their estrangement from Me, I send My wrath to them that they be humbled and therefore enabled to cry out to Me as the One who is well able to give them what they truly need to be restored to Me.
My ultimate goal with people is not to utterly destroy them. My goal is to utterly bring them to the end of themselves that they cry out to Me and know the mercies that are awaiting them if they repent to Jesus, My Son. The reality is that I am the God of mercy and that My ultimate goal is to see souls restored to right standing with Me and in Me. It is not My desire that people perish. It is My desire that their eyes be opened to behold the Son of God who takes away the penalty of their sins and restores them to Me.
These things in mind, do not disregard the cries of the hopeless, for they are desperately needy, inasmuch as they are headed to their own destruction and damnation of soul. When you minister to others the words of life, be realizing that you are throwing forth the rope of hope to those who are absolutely drowning in the filthy sea of iniquity.
Consider the damage that comes from the flood waters that sweep over regions and bring ruination, destruction of property, and death. Such waters bring contamination, homelessness and destruction. How much more damage do the filthy waters of sin that flood over people bring utter ruination, destruction, death and damnation?
Therefore, do not turn a deaf ear to the cries of the needy. Rather, realize that it is Me who desires that you offer to them the hand of mercy as you have received from Me. This is not the time to destroy the hopeless. This is the time to offer to those whose souls are thirsty the living waters of My Word that they can drink of the same. It is Me who desires many River Children who have come unto the waters of life and been washed in the same. When people are washed from the filthiness that has clung to them and they are given pure clean water to drink, they are transformed.
Do not I send My Spirit to comfort you? Cannot I do the same for others who live in continual sorrow and sadness? It gives Me pleasure to see those whose lives are full of sadness transformed that they can be serving Me in gladness.
Consider where you would be had you not repented and returned to My fold. Your lives would have been filled with inward sorrow and despair because of the emptiness that was so present in your existence. However, because someone threw to you the rope of hope and you grabbed hold of the same, you were saved from death by drowning in the filthy waters of sin.
There are, even as I speak to you this day, vast multitudes throughout the earth who are dying daily and are damned forever. This is because they have not the salvation mercies that are afforded through repentance to My Son, Jesus Christ. Of this multitude, the majority do not even know of His sacrifice to cover the penalty of their sins.
Keeping these things in mind, do not live selfishly and doing only those things that are beneficial to you and yours. Instead, be open to helping those whom My Spirit points out to you. Do your good works not to be seen of men and approved by them. Do your good works to be approved of Me. I really am saddened by those who think that it is their obligation to put on vain religious displays full of pride and desire to be recognized. Be content to do whatsoever My Spirit commands you and to receive your rewards and recognition from Me.
There are far too many who are left desolate because they are estranged from Me, and they are likewise left to perish without the witness that is meant to be given by My people. Although it is convenient for My people to forget the great commission, they are still held accountable before Me if they have failed to bear witness of the salvation mercies that are found only through Jesus.
Be thankful this day that you are enabled to partake of the abundance of mercies that I provide, and likewise bear witness to others of the same. When you are respecting what it is that I have desired for you to do, then you are greatly enabled to continue steadfast in My way. When you feel yourself stagnated, ask My Spirit to search your heart and reveal where you are failing to obey Me.
The more compliant you are with My intentions, the more that you will be used of Me for My purposes and not your own. Recall that Jesus taught His disciples repeatedly that they were to follow Him and die to themselves, not wanting their own way, but His way. Jesus was respective of My Will, My Holy Spirit, and He worked as I directed with the needy.