I speak to you this day and I say: Let the process be established in you that will keep you in continual hope. For when you are allowing My Spirit to lead, guide and direct you, then you are brought forth in the hope that I intend for My people to partake of each day. Those who are hoping in Me know that I am the One they have their dependency upon.
The blatant reason that so many are hopeless in these times is very simple. They are hoping in those things that are of the world and that are transitory. You as My people are not meant to be as the unstable who are continually vexed because their hope is in the things that pass away and are remembered no more.
It is a good thing to keep ever focused upon Me, for I am the One who is ever present and I do not neglect to give to you exactly what you have need of. My Spirit is continually with you and in you, as you are being guided forth and directed in the newness of life that you are now in.
As you are submitting yourselves with joy to the mind of My Spirit, you are being continually given the opportunity to pursue the course that I have set before you. As you look at the increasing numbers of hopeless, despairing people who make up the vast army of wandering men and women, why is it so? It is because they are choosing to be estranged from Me and taken in the ways that demons lead them. Because people have wandered so far from Me, the army of such ones is growing rapidly. Without national repentance, that vast crowd will increase and grow more blatantly rebellious by the day.
Because My own people have failed for the most part to keep their first estate in Me, I have allowed the hopeless, lawless, mindless multitudes to be put in proud and defiant array before them. Yet, even My own do not see what is happening, because they are more focused on the cares of this life than they are focused on Me.
So, because they are trapped in the endless rat-race to “get ahead,” they do not take the time to seek My face and inquire of Me. They too are hopeless and mindless, without realizing it. This is because they have chosen those things that only lead them far from Me, and in the same they are hopelessly trapped and ensnared.
Realize that pride is a killer, and those who are bound in pride are bound in the prison houses from which there is no escape without repentance. Whether men and women are poor and bound by pride, or rich and bound by pride, on both ends, such are imprisoned. Neither poverty nor riches are in themselves a sure thing, for the beggar by the whims of the world may become a hero, and the rich man a fool.
Be aware that it is not your station in this life that makes the lasting difference; it is your willingness to adhere to Me as the One who is indeed well able. Therefore, do not dread to face your days because you are trapped in the cruelty of the cares of this life. Remember that it is Me who gives to you all that you need.
Do not be weary in well doing, for as you develop in Me, you will realize that I am the One who gives you the strength that you need. If you ask of Me, you will see that I am indeed your “get up and go,” that is, the One who gives you the purpose and the plan that I intend for you to walk in. Therefore, do not be ashamed to look to Me, for I will be ever present to enable you and guide you forth by a plain path. More than anything, you will understand and realize how important it is that you cleave to Me and ask of Me, for I am the strength, the power and the wisdom that you have need of.
Consider how many there are who have been blinded by the god of this world in these times. I do not call you to be among them. If you consider their plight, it is hopeless, mindless and rebellious. Where does it all end, except in the dismal abyss of hellfire and damnation forever? When you really consider such darkness, it is tragic to behold, for daily, vast multitudes are swept up in the emptiness, the desolation, and the despair which damns their souls. I do not want them there. It is by their blind choices that they face hell forever.
Be aware that I will use you to help others, and that as you do, so are you given the power to rejoice and do what I have called you to do. Therefore, do not be dictating to Me what you will do. Rather, be putting your hands to the plow and moving in obedience to My Spirit. Have I not always asked you to consider the lost, the dying, and the perishing who are hopelessly bound in the chains of sin? Therefore, consider that as you remember the lost and put out the call to repentance, you are obeying the commission that Jesus gave to His disciples, and in the same proving to be pleasing unto Me.
Push onward and know that I am the Living God who meets My people and makes the way for them at all times. Do not hesitate to be serving Me in the attitude of gratitude, for I am the One who is your ever present help at all times, for whatever I command you to do, I will always provide for the same.
Be thankful that you can partake and participate in the mercies abundant that I am giving to you each day as you live in sharing My goodness unto others and letting them likewise know that it is Me who alone is well able.
Do not take lightly the fact that you have been given forgiveness and mercy when you were not worthy of the same. Therefore, continue in humility and respect towards Me for the privilege to labor for My kingdom.