I speak to you this day and I say that it is Me the Living God who is moving in your behalf, for I know precisely what you have need of. Know that it gives Me pleasure to give to you exactly what you have need of in every circumstance and situation. Therefore, wait upon Me, and do not be anxious over anything that may trouble you. It is Me the Living God who is with you, and who has given you My Holy Spirit to direct you and to guide you forth by a plain path.
Sad to say that far too many of My people are overwhelmed by the cares of this life and are overwhelmed by the things that plague the heathen. You are not meant to live under heaviness and oppression; you are meant to live uplifted in the joy of My presence and knowing of a surety that I do and will always provide for you as you walk uprightly.
Therefore, learn to resist steadfastly every trick that the enemies would want to deceive you with. Realize that you are in a constant battle against the things that want to rob you of the peace that you are meant to have in Me. Do not allow yourselves to give up trusting Me and return to the world’s ways of doing things. Rather, know that when you are trusting in Me rather than looking to the world, you are being led forth by My Spirit. My Spirit does not lead you in the way that is far from Me. My Spirit leads you into great realms of trust and confidence in Me, for I desire you to keep on trusting, believing and receiving of Me each day.
Learn to not be moved by the rantings or the accusations of the demon forces. You are not meant to be enticed, seduced, nor lured away from trusting Me. Therefore, when you hear the demon forces attempting to use their tactics against you, realize that you are not intended to accept their deceptions by listening to them. Rather, you must refuse, rebuke and refute the lies of the lying spirits, and walk in the truth, made glad to be recipients of the truth.
Be thankful that you do not have to eat of lies daily and be taken into captivity by the same. It is a privilege to know that you can be kept and do not have to be subject to many masters that are basically demonic forces sent to kill, steal and destroy. Be dependent and reliant upon Me, and do not by any means choose the disgusting and demonically driven forces that want you destroyed.
Know that you are not meant to be lending your ears to death messengers and taking in their evil intentions for your destruction and devastation, as well as your damnation. You are not to be contaminated by the lying demons that want to cause you troubles and sorrows.
Be thankful that you are not meant to be crushed by demons. Rather, you are meant to crush their counsel against you through the power of the truth that you walk in day by day. Demons hate those who are choosing the truth and adhering to the same each day. When you consider that there are multitudes who are deceived by lies and headed to hell by the spell of demon powers, be thankful that you are not obligated to listen to such spirits and be devoured by them.
The more that you center yourselves upon Me, the more you will increase in the peace that I intend for you to have. Do not deviate from My way. Rather, keep trusting that My way is the way of eternal life that you are called to live and abide in. Each day, be thankful that in My presence is found the joy that only I can bring and give freely to those who are believing in Me as their Maker.
Do not let depression and despair be your companions, for you are not meant to be partakers of their suggestions that are meant to rob you of the joy and peace that I have for My people. Remember that the enemies seek to kill, steal and destroy, and have hated you because you have chosen to believe the truth and refuse the lies.
It is Me the Living God who has many good things already prepared for you, and I will give you such things as you remain steadfastly trusting in Me. The more that you refuse to be deviated, the more the enemies will be infuriated because you have escaped their hold on you. You are not meant to be in captivity to demon powers, for you have been set free. Likewise, you are being led forth into greater dimensions of truth that establishes you in right standing with Me.
As you look around at the souls perishing, be glad that you do not have to be counted with them. Rather, you are privileged to be in the company of the redeemed and to be purposed for My way. There are multitudes in these times who are purposed for destruction and cannot get off of the fast train that is taking them to hell. They are literally on the Hell-Bound Express, meaning in essence that they will end in hell sooner than they think. Such as these are driven by demons and are bold to do as the demons command them to do.
Those who are under the control and command of demons are coming into greater delusion and deception daily, and will find themselves being driven to greater works and deeds of wickedness. As My people, be thankful that you are not driven by demons. Instead, you are being led forth by My Spirit and ever enabled in the power of the same. Serve each day in the attitude of gratitude, because you are free from demonic control and contamination.
You are meant to be partaking of gladness rather than sadness. As you realize that you are privileged to be Mine, do not deviate from Me and go a whoring after the ways of the heathen. Keep your vows to Me, and you are kept by Me.