I speak to you this day and I say: Be rejoicing rather than resenting. There are multitudes who are spending their lives in resentment because they made wrong choices and continue to do so. However, when they are shown the right way, which is through repentance, they refuse the same. Be thankful this day that you can be rejoicing each day and not be bogged down with resentment and hostility.
Make every effort to focus on the good things that I do for you each day. Do not be consumed with yourselves, for to live in such a place puts you in a prison house of self. I do not intend you to be in bondage and captivity to self. I do not want you to be in misery because of wrong choices. Rather, rejoice that you are redeemed and being restored by and in the new life you have been given.
Look to be centered on Me, for I am your Father in heaven, and I am the One who desires you to continue in the new life. Do not be looking back to the old life and allowing yourselves to live in regret over your abandonment of the way of sin and death. Realize that the enemies of your souls want you returned to the slavery that you were in when sin was your way of life.
Give thanks to Me that you have much to rejoice over, and as you do, you will find that you have the attitude of gratitude, not the disposition of resentment and hostility. My people are indeed blessed if they choose to walk in My way and obey the directives of My Holy Spirit that are repeatedly given to them. Do not be consumed with the bad news that is spewed out every day, wherein fear and hopelessness are the motivations used by worldly spell casters to take control of your attitudes.
There is great power in praise, and you are meant to exercise that power in your relationship with Me. You are not meant to live in fear and hopelessness that will end you in the deep pit of despair. Consider that you are not the first people, nor will you be the last, who have lived in times of gross darkness and sin abounding. Nonetheless, you can praise Me in every circumstance and situation because I am your God and this world is not your permanent home.
Do not allow anxiety and worry to bear rule over your lives. Know of a surety that I the Living God see all of your needs and I will provide the same. Too often, My people allow themselves to take on the heavy burdens that are not theirs to carry. Then they are pushed down under the same till they can barely crawl along. As they are in such a condition, they undergo repeated sorrows that cause them to grieve and gripe.
To choose such a place is actually foolish, for I do not intend you to live there. You are intended to praise your way out of prison. This is in the sense that you do not allow the mental imprisonment that the workers of darkness want to put you in, to keep you in captivity.
Thank Me that you are given many blessings each day as you give Me praise and allow your hearts to reach up to Me. I do not call you to be living in the mental prison houses that multitudes are locked into. I call you to be uplifted in the joy of My presence as you are rejoicing, not resenting. The more that you praise Me, the more that you will be infused with the power that is given to you by My presence.
Inasmuch as I am near when you are praising Me, the power of who I am is being infused into your lives. Then, you are enabled to keep steadfast in the path that I put before you, no matter the cruelty that is all around. In truth, you will know suffering as you have chosen to be identified with Jesus, My Son. Do not allow such suffering to rule you because that is all that you can think about. Break free of all attempts of the wicked to imprison you, and give Me thanks and praise, for I am your Master and Lord.
Know that when any people will focus on praising Me rather than living merely in their carnal captivity, then they know the freedom that is available to them, for their spirits are filled with the essence of My presence. This day, exercise yourselves in praise and rejoicing. Think of the good things that I do for you each day, and realize that My goodness is the gift that is given to you in order that you can be found rejoicing and not resenting.
The more that you will give way to praising Me rather than complaining, the more that you will be uplifted by the same. Do not waste your time on this earth in resentment. Realize that you can be in joy and thanksgiving for the many mercies that I give to you each day. There is no reason to give way to the enemies’ pressures against your mind. Instead, pressure them with praises unto Me, and they will leave your presence because they have no more handles of torment.
Do not shun praising Me. Rather, press into the same and give more of your time to thanking Me than you do to dwelling on your supposed miseries. Why live in demonically inspired misery when you are intended to live in the many mercies that I give to you each day? Be a people who through praising Me are freed from the captivity and the bondage that the wicked have plotted to destroy them with.
Remember, when you are obedient, you will have abundance of life. The command for now and your future is to praise Me, rejoice in Me, praise Me, rejoice in Me, and be set free as you do!