Scattered and Tattered to Be Regathered

I speak to you this day and I declare of a certainty that it is Me who desires to dwell in the midst of My people. When My people are gathered unto Me, then I will be ever present in their midst. I will dwell with them, and they will be My people and I will be their God. Therefore, be thankful that it is Me that you can look to and believe in, for I am the One who is well able, and there is no good thing I keep from My upright people.

Know that in the days ahead, I will gather My people that they may know and experience the blessedness of My presence in their midst. When I do dwell in the midst of My people, they are given a foretaste of heaven. My people will see the superiority of My way above the ways of the world, which are full of all manner of confusion. Do not live in confusion; live in the clarity that comes of My Spirit that dwells with you and in you.

Therefore, do not be hesitant to inquire and receive the divine instructions that you are intended to walk in. It is indeed a blessed thing to know beyond any shadow of a doubt that I am the Father who cares for My children. My people are precious to Me, and I desire that they understand My ways that they can ascend into the same as they are called by My Spirit.

I have never intended that My people would be bound by the chains of carnality and be in slavery to the old nature. I intend that My people would walk according to the Holy Spirit’s direction and instruction to them that they can and will be coming up higher.

It is truly a blessing to be uplifted above the tentacles of carnality and into the realms of My glory wherein I make My abode. Therefore, be glad that you are given all that you have need of daily, and that you are brought forth, ever able to rejoice in Me as the One True God.

The gods of the heathen are dead and do not by any means bring forth life. Inasmuch as they are the work of men’s hands, there is no life to be found in them. Truly, they will be crushed and blown into the wind. Be serving in the attitude of gratitude that I am the Living God and that those who worship Me are alive likewise.

Inasmuch as your sins have been forgiven, be grateful to partake of all that I have for you. Do not hesitate to come forth praising and thanking Me each day, for I am the One who is ever present and who hears the prayers of My people.

Those who worship dead gods are dumb, because the idols they serve are dumb. Such cannot speak, nor can they hear the prayers of those who are bound to them. Consider the work of demons who convince people to call upon death rather than life. Such demons are the slaves of the devil, and they are commissioned to induce men, women and children into death.

The agenda of the wicked one remains the same: kill, steal and destroy. However, the fool never learns that it is Me who is able to resurrect those who put their hope and confidence in Me. It is through My power that people are raised from the dead and given the new life that is provided through Me. Did not I raise My Son Jesus to life again after they crucified Him and imagined they had destroyed the truth speaker? No, they did not destroy My Son. In fact, He was raised in greater glory because He completed His course in obedience.

So it is, that multitudes learn of Him and walk in His ways, and the truth speakers increase. Know that when I, through resurrection power, regather My people, they are stronger than before inasmuch as they have been willing to endure persecutions. Therefore, do not ever be ashamed to declare My Son and My kingdom, which is the way eternal. When you are willing to be identified with Jesus Christ in His sufferings, then you are given the opportunity to be lifted up with Him in His glories.

Be glad even now that you can be a truth speaker, and that you can not only speak the truth but live the truth as disciples of Jesus the Christ. As you are serving each day in the attitude of gratitude, so are you enabled to give thanks and praise continually. Do not be swayed by the many sorrows that are all about. Rather, be thankful that I will not withhold any good thing from you, and that you will know Me above all else as the One True God who gives goodness and mercy to the ones who are Mine.

Be glad even this day that there is abundance of mercy available to all who will cleave to Me and believe upon My Name. Do not be as the foolish who have gone a whoring and by the same end in despair. Be as the wise who know that I am the One who enables, uplifts, directs, and guides them forth each day. Be thankful even now that you do not need to live in dread and death. Rather, you are uplifted in the joys of My presence, and can partake of the hope that is found in and through Me.

Know that to be gathered unto Me is a great blessing and comes because of My mercy towards you. Look forward to the resurrection power of the regathering that I intend and will bring forth to the ones who have been scattered and tattered in the persecution. When I the Living God do restore, the greater glories found in Me will be manifest upon, through and with My people.

Thank Me that you can keep on believing and looking to Me, for I do not forsake you. When you have received those things that I do intend, then are you ever shown the abundance of life that I give to you, and you are made a partaker of the many mercies I provide.