River Children’s Treasures

I speak to you this day and I say that it is Me who does call to remembrance of those treasures that I have given to you. When I remind you of those treasures, rejoice once more for the truth that you have been given and are able to live in and walk by. I do not call you to be in despair over the times that you are in. I call you to continually abide in Me. Be knowing most certainly that I am the ever present God who cares for you and gives to you all that you have need of.

It is Me who is the Master, the Maker, the Giver of all good things. I do not withhold My treasures from My people, for those treasures are good things. Be glad when you have received My treasures of wisdom, My treasures of faith, hope, trust and confidence in Me. Know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is Me who is well able, and that I will give to you in abundance.

Have you not been given the clear, clean waters of the river of life to drink of, to be washed by, and to swim in? It is Me who has given to you the waters of the river of life, and you are the children who are chosen to be the representation of My river.

Therefore, do not forget the responsibility that is yours as River Children. Know of a surety that it is a great treasure that I have given to you as My River Children. You are intended to direct others to the river of life that I provide for all humanity to drink freely of.

Thank Me this day that you can partake of waters that are pure, clean, and crystal clear. You do not need to drink of the filthy waters of sin, nor are you left the death waters of the sea of iniquity. By My infinite mercies, you have been given the beautiful, magnificent waters that I provide for you.

Because of the purity and clarity of those waters, when you look into the same, you will see yourselves. Do not run from what you see, wanting to live in pretension and lies. Rather, see where you are ugly, and where you have been transformed and made beautiful by Me.

There are many assumptions that men and women make as to their own righteousness. However, that does not mean that those assumptions are true. I do not call people to the false assumptions as to their own greatness; I call them to the reality of how they appear before Me. Therefore, be willing to see yourselves in My river and to make the changes that My Spirit would direct you in.

It is not intended for My people to be ugly because they are covered in the filthiness of sin or the corruption of worldliness. It is intended that My people would be fully accepting and rejoicing for the privilege they have been given to continually be cleansed.

Consider, if you are dirty, that you are able to wash in the waters of life. If you are weary in your journey and thirsty, you are privileged to drink of the pure, clean waters of My river. You do not have to resort to the world, nor do you have to turn aside from Me. You can indeed turn to Me with all that is available to you and partake of what I have intended for you.

Do not forget that I have called and chosen you to be My River Children, born to be well pleasing unto Me. You are not meant to have the ambitions of the worldly; you are meant to be dedicated, consecrated, and separated unto Me.

When you are inwardly lusting for the world, the call that I give to you will seem boring. However, remember that it is the devil who is the god of this world. It is the devil and his demons who call those who are dumb enough to listen to their lies. The call that these evil forces give is for death, not life. The devil has been a murderer from the beginning, and while he offers the dumb the vile waters of sin, he does so to bring forth death and damnation unto their souls.

Do not let the enemies talk to you, whereby you are enticed to listen to the inviting and enticing lies they conjure up. Realize that I give to you the truth and you are guided each day by My Holy Spirit. Listen to My Holy Spirit and walk in the truth that you are being given when My Spirit speaks to you. Do not fall down to the lure of lies. Stand valiant for the truth, listening to My Spirit and being guided in the pathway that leads to eternal life. As you are purposed for Me, so are you ever uplifted, directed and guided forth.

The river of life runs alongside the path that leads to eternal life. As you are on that pathway, so are the waters of the river of life ever available to you. Be rejoicing each day for those waters, for they are given that you can keep clean, have your thirst quenched, and be purified. Likewise, you can see your own condition as you appear before Me.

As My River Children, you can have your souls continually hydrated that you do not need to fear the withering, drying winds of adversity. Nor will the plagues kill you, for there is divine healing in the waters of the river of life.

Thank Me again and again as you serve Me in the attitude of gratitude, for you are not left to die of thirst. You are able to drink continually and be replenished through the hydrating waters I provide. Be knowing that through My river you are given the waters of life freely, and are enabled to partake of the delight of My river.

There is no charge for the waters of the river of My life. The waters are given to all who will hear the call to “Come!” and who will obey the same. Do not be wandering in the desert places of this world and dying of thirst. Drink freely, My people, knowing that you are the River Children, who are given the waters of My abundance continually.