I speak to you this day, My people, and I say: Be aware that the enemy seeks to undermine and destroy that which I am doing in the midst of you. This means that the devil and his demon forces strive to bring you down to the level of carnal disputes and fleshly anger. This is because those forces of darkness know the power that is found when you are united as one in Me and willing to be purposed totally for My purpose and not your own.
As you well know, there are endless multitudes who are purposed for their purposes and not Mine, although they claim to be Christian. Those who are truly Christian are the ones who aspire to be Christlike, or Christ followers. This means that these follow in the steps of My Son and they do not follow any other god, any other master, nor do they live for themselves.
Be serving Me in the attitude of gratitude each day. When you are thankful to Me, then you will see that I purpose you for life, not death, and for truth, not lies. As you are being brought forth in the truth, you will be able to see the lies with which the enemy seeks to blind you and take you down the road of desolation and destitution of soul. As My true people, you are intended to do the will that I ordain for you. That is, you are not meant to pursue the course of your own understanding and be darkened in the same.
Be thankful that I give to you all that you have need of each day, and as you obey Me, then are you following in the steps of My Son Jesus. Know that the closer you move to Me, the more the enemies will undermine you in the attempt to destroy My purpose. Thank Me repeatedly that through Me you are guided each day by My indwelling Holy Spirit.
My Spirit is given to those who desire divine guidance and wisdom. You do not need to look to the world to provide nor to guide. Look to Me, for I am the author and the finisher of your faith. Those who are faithfully adhering to My direction and correction are guided by a plain path and given My light upon their paths.
Be glad that I will keep you from succumbing to the plots of the wicked as you are adhering to Me and keeping your eyes, hearts and minds stayed upon Me each day. Know of a surety that through My Spirit you are led in the way that I intend for you. Therefore, be ever alert and alive in My Spirit, and do not succumb to the plots of the wicked against you.
You are meant to keep your vision single upon My purposes and to be ever directed in the way that I have for you. As you adhere with gladness to Me, then the truth that is given to you will enlighten you to the extent that you come forth purposed for victory rather than defeat.
There are multitudes of those who claim to be Mine, who are not victorious at all because they have yielded to their own carnality and the carnality of others. In so doing, they are taken into the ditch of despair and there they remain. While they may put on a fair show in the flesh, they are not pleasing Me, for their hearts are far from Me.
I do not want My people to be worldly; I want them to be godly. Those who allow themselves to become overly absorbed in the world will be found lacking before Me, because they are choosing that which I did not ordain for them at all. Those who choose to be compliant with the world’s expectations of them find themselves empty of the true values that I want them to find in and through Me.
Be strictly adhering unto what My Spirit commands, for when you do, then you are enabled to be guided in the triumphant truth that is present and awaiting you. Do not be easily beset by the cares of this life, for the same are ever present and have robbed many of their joy in Me. Instead, be knowing in reality that I am well aware of your needs and give you those needs.
I do not leave My people stranded nor in starvation, for I care for My children. I do not neglect nor abandon those who are Mine. Therefore, be trusting in Me, for I am the One who is with you and who loves you more than anyone else. Realize that you are My creation and that I want you to be perfected in the purpose that I have for you. Therefore, do not be fearful because of circumstances.
As you are aware, these times that you are in are full of chaos and confusion, yet you are not meant to be found troubled by such. Be rejoicing that each day you are being guided forth by the Holy Spirit and kept by the power that is found in Me. Each day, I have new mercies provided for you, and I will give to you the same as you trust yourselves to Me and give Me praise that I am with you, even in the midst of you.
Therefore, do not be hasty to run afar off from Me. Rather, cleave to Me, for I will show you exactly what you need to do to be well pleasing unto Me. Know that as the hen does gather her chicks, so will I gather you and keep you safe under My wings as the storms are on the horizon. Keep in mind that it is My purpose that you be gathered by Me and kept in these times when the storms are raging violently.
Do not refuse My call to be re-gathered because you are fearful of the enemy threats and attacks against you. I do not in any way intend you to be fearful; I intend you to be faithful and glad to know Me, as I am your Creator, your God, and your Heavenly Father. Know that when you are reliant upon Me, you are not made ashamed; you are ever directed in the abundance of truth, life and mercy that I have for you.