Extraordinary and Extreme

I speak to you this day and I declare that it is My intention that My people would serve Me to the extreme, which means in essence that they are to strive for the mastery over their own carnality, over the temptations to sin, and over the world. I do not intend that My people would be found among the vile, partaking of the same debasing sins and transgressions.

Do not think that those who offer to Me the polluted sacrifice are pleasing Me. They are not. I desire that the ones who are Mine would be willing to continue to give to Me their all. When you look at the standard that My Son came declaring, it was not the standard of the world. It was, and still is, the standard of My kingdom.

In observing the defiled condition of today’s world, it is unclean, ugly, violent and debauched. Yet there are those who are claiming to be My people, who are just as defiled as the world and loving it so. These ones are thinking that they can give Me a pinch, and the rest of their time, their strength, their energies to the world. Then they imagine they are found well pleasing. They are not pleasing Me at all!

Jesus, who is the pattern Son, did not offer unto Me the paltry, polluted sacrifice. No, He gave Himself completely and served Me with all of His heart. So it is that those who will prove to be true disciples will do the same. That is, they will give to Me the extreme, the excellent, their best.

When you consider those who are competitive in the world, they are striving for the mastery in whatever it is that they are doing. They are not satisfied to give only a little, for in the same they are the losers. It is plainly understood that in order to achieve the goals they desire, they must apply themselves with zeal and extreme effort. Even though they may have issues with what they must do, they learn to subdue those negatives and keep their eyes on the positives in order to achieve.

Now, as you well know, they are achieving for the sake of vanity. They are not achieving what I would desire them to gain. Therefore, they do not fully satisfy Me, for how could they? They are satisfying their own goals or the goals of those they love. Yet, they have developed the attitude of winning and are seeking to remain as those who are the victorious. How much more should My people be the winners in this life and the life to come? That is, they should strive for the excellency, the extraordinary, the extreme.

I do not find pleasure in those who claim they are Mine, yet they exert themselves only for the world and the recognition of the world’s people. Know that these ones have fallen into a trap, and in the same they will remain as conquered. I do not want My people conquered by the world’s values; I want them to be conquerors in and for My kingdom. This means that they are to shine forth and proclaim the light, the life, and the love that are to be found in My kingdom.

Consider that those who settle for less than the best are not pleasing Me, because they are pleasing themselves, which means they give themselves over to that which will give them recognition by and through the world, then offer Me the leftovers, which are less than the best. This should not be.

In the historical days of My people upon this earth, they were always expected to offer unto Me the best and the first of whatever they had. They were not to keep the best for themselves or to sell the same for a high price, then think they were pleasing Me.

Do not think that My standard has been lowered to accommodate those who are loving the world, as they are spiritual adulterers before Me. Be fully aware that you are meant to be serving Me with all of your hearts. Let your service unto Me be with gladness.

Be continuously rejoicing that you are redeemed and are reserved for My will to be fulfilled in and through your lives. When you truly consider the privilege that you have to be saved from the penalty of your sins, be in the attitude of gratitude.

Those who walk humbly before Me will know, understand, and see clearly that to please Me is the most important goal, for in the same they are winners. Likewise, they are conquerors, for their goals are to achieve and receive the rewards of the righteous. Be knowing that the victorious are the ones who go beyond the hindrances, the obstacles, the troubles, and sorrows and aim for the finish line.

This day, look to the goals that are set for you, and know that you can achieve those goals. Be extreme in your determination to win, to conquer, to prevail. Do not fall down and stay there; rise up in the strength that I will give to you as you wait upon Me, and know that I am your source.

This day, know of a surety that My Spirit is ever coaching you, guiding you, commanding you, and demanding you to keep on going! Realize that when you win the prize in Me, no man, no woman, no system, and no nation can take that from you. What My people store in Me is kept in heavenly dimensions. The powers of this earth cannot rob them of the same.

Be attentive to achieve, to believe, and to receive, for I will give to you all that you need each day. You are never alone, nor are you defeated by the plots, schemes and actions of the wicked. Keep your eyes off of your circumstances, and take the chances to be extremely determined to finish the course that has been set before you as the victorious receiving the glorious!