Embracing Insanity

I speak unto you this day, declaring how important it is that you allow your spiritual senses to be exercised, the reason being that it is imperative that you learn to discern between good and evil. Be aware that the devil and his forces are cunning and deceitful, as they can easily put on a pretentious show and beguile the ones who are not developed in discernment.

In these times, people have grown very spiritually lazy. They no longer exert any efforts when it comes to My kingdom. Because so much of their time is spent with modern devices, they do not take the time, nor do they spend the effort to learn to differentiate in terms of spiritual matters. They can easily be deceived, led astray, headed to damnation because they are failing to see the difference between good and evil.

So often My Spirit will warn My people of the workings of evil, but the warning is ignored because My people do not listen to the voice of the Spirit. Instead, they are busy listening to a multitude of voices that are telling them to do that which is in opposition to what My Spirit would direct them.

I do not intend for My people to be enthralled and absorbed in the vanities of this age. It is My intention that My people would keep their hearts and their minds stayed upon Me, for I am the One who gives to them exactly what they need. Many people in these times are consumed of the lust for material gain and the acquisition of empty treasures. In such consumption, they are neglecting the treasures of My kingdom.

When men, women and children stand before Me, it is not the material treasures that will stand with them. Many who imagined themselves to be rich will find themselves to be exceedingly poor because they are failing to gain the true treasures that are found through Me.

Be thankful today that My Spirit is ever present to direct you in the way of My kingdom life. You do not have to spend your days in the empty pursuit of treasures that make themselves wings. Do those things that My Spirit commands you. Lay your lives down to be living sacrifices, in the sense that you are centered upon My will and not your own will.

I do not call you to be looking to the world as your instructors in Me. How could those who are of the kingdom of darkness ever instruct you in the way of My kingdom? They cannot, and while they can come on in sweet seductions, that is exactly what those things are: mere deceptions used to damn souls.

Even when you hear of what the mediums of darkness are continually giving forth in their daily forecasts and directives, I do not call you to be partakers of their lies. Realize that the world is headed for destruction and death, and that the end of it all is hell. As My people, allow yourselves to be made wise by listening to and obeying the commands and directives that are given to you by and through My Spirit.

So many allow themselves to become wise in the ways of the world. All the while, they are completely dumb and growing dumber in their perceptions of what is important in life. What is really important is that My people would realize that they are accountable for their choices as well as their deeds. Do not think that you can “play dumb” before Me as an excuse for disobedience.

There is no excuse for disobedience and the accompanying rebellion against Me. Yet, because so many have filled their hearts and their lives with clutter and foolishness, they are far from what I have intended for them. As My people, you are intended to be near to Me, not walking afar off, then thinking in the same that you are all right.

Spend your time in this life in putting Me and My will first and foremost. In doing such, you will see that I do not keep any good thing from you. It has never been My desire to see those who have come to Jesus as Savior turn and reject Him as Lord.

Know that as Mine, you are meant to be in service, that is, subject to the Holy Spirit directives. Jesus My Son did not choose to exalt Himself or seek for His own fame. He spent His time in ministering to others as the Spirit revealed My desires to Him. Basically, He only worked and walked where He saw I was calling Him.

Be glad this day that you are not led about by blind guides who will end you in the ditch of destruction. Instead, you are guided forth by a plain path and given mercy day by day. Therefore, be glad that I am the One who is ever present to give to you everything that you need to be kept in My way.

Be aware that I am the Heavenly Father, and it is My purpose that My children be ever kept in My way. Know that you are not meant to wander out of the way that is given by Me and go your own way. You are intended to walk in My way and know that I will give you the discernment that will save you from many pitfalls.

As My people remain in the way of the redeemed, they will not find their delight in the way of the damned. This is because they have exercised themselves through their obedience to My Spirit and are well able to differentiate between good and evil.

Be glad even now that you are being led by the Holy Spirit into all truth and are not dead-ended in deceptions. When you grow in appreciation for the truth, you will come to understand how many are easily led astray into the way of damnation. It is dumb to spend life in emptiness and vanity, embracing insanity, only to end in hell!